Meanwhile in a galaxy far, far away...
In case you have missed the earlier parts of this series, you can find them here
- part 1 – Intro,
- part 2 – Old science,
- part 3 – Electricity,
- part 4 – Gas law,
- part 5 – Self acting engine,
- part 6 – Magnifying Transmitter,
- part 7 – Final tests and
- part 8 – Failure.
I was working in an IT department of the ABN-Amro Bank on a system for inter-bank forex transactions, when a great misfortune befell me. This made me reconsider my position in life and led me to leave my safe-space and move to the rice fields in Thailand.
I had been quite successful, not only in IT but also on the stock markets. So to find a new source of income I build an AI program to predict the markets, as I wrote about here.
The program showed me how the markets were being manipulated and led my research to the federal reserve. This opened up a box that Pandora would be proud of. I learned things that I could not dream of and if anyone would have told me before I would have suggested a chill pill.
the glimmering spark
Between all these horrendous stories there was one small, glimmering spark that caught my attention; the story of Nikola Tesla.
Physics had always fascinated me and I had studied it for 2 years at University. I was fascinated by relativity and the beauty of the underlying math. Einstein was quite a clever guy, so much was clear.
But what I read about Tesla dwarfed Einstein. Talking about intriguing! Man, this was something else, and it soon became clear that there was something unfinished here, something that needed attention and most of all something within my capabilities.
I started researching Tesla’s legacy and collecting everything that I could find, but only if it was written by him as I soon found out that there was a lot of disinfo going round. Some deliberate and some just out of misunderstanding.
Tesla left us so much information, in his patents, his articles, his notes, his letters, his lectures etc. that there isn’t really any need to look for other sources. So I compiled a collection of his work and read everything.
and re-read, and re-read
Then I found that when I re-read it I noticed things that I missed the first time. So I started re-reading all of it a number of times until his words really stuck in my head.
Of course I immediately noticed the changes in his style from very clear and precise to a bit strange and vague and later again to outside the world of electricity. And I recognized that the apparent vagueness was actually a trick of Tesla to obfuscate what he really wanted to say and his later mechanical work was also carrying a message.
I started copying his experiments as well as I could, to see with my own eyes what he must have seen so to better understand his conclusions.
the picture emerged
And slowly but surely the veil lifted and the pieces started to fall in place and connect together to form this one big picture. The picture that I now want to show the world as I have tried in this series and on several prior occasions.
Ethergy Co. Ltd.
Together with a former colleague and a group of generous investors we have raised money to try and prove the working principles of Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter. We have made a number of advances but ‘till today no undeniable proof, but we are still going forward and I am confident that I will someday deliver this proof.
Rain seasons and other delays
As I am doing this in Thailand we have only a few months each year during which I feel safe to conjure up a few million volts. And as of late, my work is being delayed because after upgrading my power supply to 60 KW, the insulation of my secondary coil became insufficient and I had to rebuild it.
Raising awareness
The goal of my project is to prove that Tesla’s plan will work and to see it implemented in a “Wardenclyffe – the sequel”.
We try to raise awareness but this has proven to be very difficult. Newspapers do not want to publish this story. There seems to be a ban on real and thorough research while there is lots of space for speculation and disinfo. It is very frustrating.
Help us
So here is where you, the steemit community can help. Resteem this as far and wide as you can. If the existing media refuse then prove that we don’t need them. They are all fake news anyway! :)
Raise awareness that there is a sustainable solution. So we can stop the ludicrous attempts in nuclear fusion and put 1/1000 of that budget in Tesla’s work and make it happen. Let’s not have this shelved for another 120 years!
Resteem and I will upvote your comment (or post, as you wish) within the next 6 days.
Your upvote is also very much appreciated. I do not need extra money for my experiments, that is covered, but my income from steemit could help my family as I am getting a bit low on savings :).
This concludes my series on Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter.
I sincerely hope you have enjoyed it. And of course, more than anything I hope to see a working Magnifying Transmitter one day… soon.
Some day, I hope, a beautiful industrial butterfly will come out of the dusty and shrivelled chrysalis.
(Nikola Tesla, June 1900, “the Problem of Increasing Human Energy”)
-- the end --
More can be found here:
my Youtube channel
My collection of transcribed and verified articles
My collection of Tesla patents
A detailed walk-through Tesla’s work
How to generate megavolts
Correspondence with G. Scherff part 1
Correspondence with G. Scherff part 2
Correspondence with J.P. Morgan
that should keep you busy for a while… ;)