The History Of Vaccine Series

Disease, Greed, and Hubris

Dirty Hands


Throughout the Western World before modern medicine took over, women called midwives delivered the common persons baby. Everything that had to do with the publics health, including midwifery was taken over by allopathic medicine. Men took over the delivery of babies and were named obstetricians and many were medical students. Delivering babies increased their business and profits. What followed was disease and death.

“Man-midwifery was an uncertain but increasingly fashionable and sometimes quite lucrative area of practice for physicians; it may, for this reason, have been a field in which ideas about theory and practice were particularly strongly contested. Midwifery, formerly the preserve of women, was receiving increasing attention from medical men—both physicians and surgeons—during the eighteenth century. Prominent within this area of practice were the surgeons, for whom midwifery was seen as a natural extension of their activities. Surgeons had traditionally been called in to difficult births by midwives, usually when there was a need to extract an already dead foetus from the womb in order to save a mother’s life. During the eighteenth century, surgeons were increasingly finding ways to extend their practice into the area of normal childbirth. Men-midwives, although recognized by society as holding respectable positions and possessing expertise, found their status limited by the “hands-on” nature of their work. Nevertheless, within broader social terms, man-midwifery could be seen as a field of financial and career opportunity. These ambiguities and uncertainties within the status of men-midwives may have contributed to the intensity and competitiveness of the debates which can be found.” “Christine Hallett, PhD, “The Attempt to Understand Puerperal Fever in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries: The Influence of Inflammation Theory,” Medical History, vol. 49, no. 1, January 1, 2005, pp. 1–28.”

Puerperal Fever


Also known as “childbed fever was a disease spread by arrogance and greed. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes of The USA and Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis of Austria were advocates for women and promoted hand-washing within the allopathic community. Which midwives practiced for thousands of years. Wash your hands and keep all your tools clean and smelling pleasant. A bad smelling dwelling was known to promote illness.

Both were ignored by the medical profession, which responded by accused both doctors bias. How could doctors of good standing carry disease on their hands? Both doctors had their characters attacked and their livelihood. Dr Semmelweis in 1865 was manipulated into admitting himself into an insane asylum and tried to escape. He was beaten by guards, wounded, developed gangrene, which lead to his premature death.


I will write another paper on insane asylum, I was horrified reading the history of psychology as well as allopathy. My first major was psychology and my mentor advised me to go into nursing. I call him Dr Wise, he worked for a major university in primate studies. Which, in my opinion working with him caused him horrible psychological scaring from experiments done on animals and humans, he was in his 70s back in 2000.

Dr Holmes left the medical profession and became a writer, he was so disgusted with allopathic hygienic practices.


The reason I am writing this little article is to never forget the horrendous loss of life caused by allopathic arrogance. Most women who died were poor and had no funds/insurance to help their husbands and surviving children cope with loss of income and care. One never hears about puerperal fever and it’s causes in 101 medical and psychological course work unless you read outside of your course curriculum. You will read about why hygiene is important in course work and there will be mention of women dying from doctors unwashed hands. However you will not read about the fight to reform hygiene protocols and doctors lives ruined because they stood up against the medical institutions.

From 1746 onward after midwives were kicked out of their traditional roles more than 50% of mothers who gave in in Paris hospitals died. The best read on this problem comes from Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis in his book, Etiology, Concept and Prophylaxis


Dr Semmelweis held many different staff positions and where he worked because of his hygiene practices the death of mothers after childbirth dropped. Because of consensus within the medical profession the statistics were ignored and ridiculed.

“Another example, from Britain, was the widespread use of chloroform and forceps by general practitioners in uncomplicated deliveries between 1870 and the 1940s. This was described by one observer as a tendency a “little short of murder” and accounted for many unnecessary deaths. “Irvine Loudon, “Maternal Mortality in the Past and Its Relevance to Developing Countries Today,”American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 72, suppl. 1, July 2000, pp. 241S–246S.”

Most doctors ignored hygiene articles and data until the 1940s when antibiotics were introduced. After the invention of antibiotics, puerperal fever took a nosedive. Semmelweis and Breisky’s records proved that doctors could have prevented most of the deaths caused by allopathic doctors if they had only washed their hands.

How Many Women Died?


The impact on the population because of allopathic arrogance can be looked at this way, one fifth of the population were women of childbearing age and over 30% died after childbirth from Puerperal Fever. Couple this with everything else the poor had to deal with, both parents having to work, unskilled childcare, poor housing and food, no clean water or waste disposal systems and an unsafe work environment, the poor population of the West was being destroyed. Remember things hadn’t changed much for the poor less than a hundred years ago!


Infants whose mothers died after giving birth had four times higher risk of dying, mostly from infectious diseases. It is well known that breast milk protects children from diseases and infections. This is not mentioned by the vaccine propaganda machine, which never mentions the millions of lives that could of been saved if doctors had washed their hands.

The End Result Of Allopathic Hubris


Millions of motherless children died, lived a malnourished life of disease, forced to work in mines, factories, and sweatshops.

If infants could have been loved and breastfed by their mothers, older children had someone at home to care and teach them the proper way to live as we have always done through our old traditional ways, the misery of the 1700s to the 1900s could of been avoided. Our medical professionals today point to vaccines reduced the diseases we suffered from in the past but avoid all the suffering their arrogance caused and leave out all the other causes of reduced death from infectious diseases.


After I started ordering history books from my library I found hundreds of allopathic doctors who did stand up, speaking out against bad science and harmful practices throughout modern medicine’s history. They were shunned and ignored. Many ended up in prison, losing everything they had worked for including their medical license. Even today when professionals and concerned citizens speak up about nutrition and hygiene preventing disease they are shunned by their medical community, many suffer the loss of business and reputation. Some end up in jail, their practices labeled as quackery.

“Preventable medical error is well documented all throughout the world and is the third leading cause of death in the United States (225,000 deaths per year*), with similar numbers wherever the same medical paradigms are implemented.

Yet every time an unvaccinated person enters their office, zealously pro-vaccine doctors arrogantly overlook the truth that a person’s risk of dying or being maimed from accepted medical practice they offer, is far, far higher than any possible death or maiming from a supposedly vaccine-preventable disease.

*Barbara Starfield, MD, MPH, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?” Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 284, no. 4, July 26, 2000, pp. 483–485.

History Of Vaccine Series 4

History Of Vaccine Series 3

History Of Vaccine Series 2

History Of Vaccine Series 1

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