The Interview Showcase #5 - A Talk With Hard Working/ Smart Steemians


Hello Folks,

It's a rainy day over here, but It can't Stop our Interview Showcase Program for this Week, So guys, Welcome to The Interview Showcase!!!.

This is the Fifth Edition of “The interview Showcase”.

A weekly interview of top Users in the blog Concerning Some Super trending topics in the Steemit Platform. And tips that Can help Other steemians to Progress positively.


I take time to look at Some of the Most Important/trending topics in the blog and I have a Chat/call with top Steemians who have a greater idea about those topics across the globe.

They also Share Some tips that Can help other Users to Understand the Platform and Make Use of it in A great Way.

We dig out Everything for your own consumption, So you have nothing to lose.

This week is another Super interesting week on the Show because we have great Steemians who have contributed Positively to the Platform and they are going to share with all of us how they do it. Just in case you are wondering, these Great Users are From Different Countries Entirely and this makes it more Colourful.

Trust me, you will learn a lot in today's Show. Are you ready? !!

Our First guest today is @adeljose. Adeljose is From Venezuala, he is one of the Country's Representative In Venezuala, a great and Influential Steemian who is Serving as a Moderator in the World Of Xpillar.

Adeljose Recently Started Publishing a Publication entitled : Participation in the Communities Challenge this publication would be very useful both to the steemit team and the entire Users.

: You have been one of the active moderators in the world of Xpilar, please tell us, what measures have you put so far in other to eliminate plagiarism?

🔷Adeljose: As long as we do not work as a team, there will not be an efficient strategy to eliminate plagiarism, so, they will always be present among us, I only review the publications that I manage to visit, the first thing I do is to check its authenticity and exclusivity, then read, evaluate the content, and support the publication if necessary.

: How difficult is it to fight plagiarism?

🔷Adeljose: It is difficult when you don't have the backing of a team of people in charge. To fight against plagiarism it is essential to have a joint action program where as much content as possible can be addressed.

: How much time does it takes you to fetch Abusers?

🔷Adeljose: Normally in each publication I review I generate a search for authenticity, in case the review generates an irregular result, I dedicate myself to generating a more exhaustive investigation in order to arrive at a concrete result.

: Do you get anything in return after helping to fight plagiarism..?

🔷Adeljose: It is a task that I fulfill within my role as a community representative and moderator, all the plagiarism findings that I generate, are immersed in my activity reports, which in most cases are supported by the main curators. .

: what advice will you like to give all Users especially new ones in other to support steemit growth?

🔷Adeljose: The essential thing I advise all steeminians is to achieve a constant activity within the platform and create a habit of participation and interaction that allows you to be recognized by everyone, in addition, you must visualize your account as an important level that allows you to obtain a good long-term performance

It is important to support the dynamics promoted by the Steemit team, in this way, we will be increasing our chances of being supported, and we will also be promoting and forming a better community environment where we can generate a high level of support among each other .

: What do you think of this Show case interview, do you think it's a Program that can contribute to steemit's growth?

🔷Adeljose: I find it interesting, it is a way to let people know what some steeminians think about the points raised in the interview.

The contribution would be achieved depending on the questions that are asked in the interview, and to whom you apply them. If they are questions that generate interesting answers, for sure it would contribute to the understanding of the users who could assimilate them and apply them according to their actions within the platform.

: Thank you so much Sir😊, it was great having you in my interview Showcase today.

🔷Adeljose: Many thanks to you for trying to add value to the community and the platform.

And Our Next guest today is @disconnect. Disconnect Rat is from Sri Lanka , this Guy is One of the great hard working and smart Users on the Platform.

I personally admire his Work a lot.

He is one guy who will always tell you not to waste your precious time searching for contests every day, do you know why? because he can smell contests everywhere in all Communities within the blog and bring them to one place where you can easily see them all.

Guys, go check his page out and you will see what I am talking about. And one more thing guys; just a Cheese with love Can make his day.

Now how does he gathers all these Contest from various Communities? What does it take to do it? Let's find out as I welcome my hard-working buddy to the Show.

: Hello Buddy, Welcome to the building, I'm glad to have you in my show today, you are one of the top hardworking guy I know and admire in the blog due to your hardworks, please tell me, why do you visit different communities?

🔶Disconnect: Thank you for inviting me to your show and recognizing me as one of the hardworking guys 😉. Well, the simple answer to your question is, that I visit communities to find contests.

But not only communities even different individuals publish their contests in their own blogs. So, I visit them too. I try to find all the contests that are published on the platform and pile them up into one list which I called the “Contest Alerts” .

: How do you achieve the goal of gathering all the contest in the blog?

🔶Disconnect: It was not an easy task at first. I had to think of different ways of tracking these contests. Because not all users use the same method.

They use different hashtags, and communities but eventually I became the one who hunt contest.

The 0 followers became 1800+ with the popularity most of the organizers began to tag me in their contest posts, if not users who follow me tag me if they see a contest. All these methods are the way that I use to track down everything.

: How long does it take you to compile one of your publication?

🔶Disconnect: Well, it depends. At the beginning of this journey, I spend well over 06 hours searching through hundreds of posts a day. Then I filtered out everything.

Now the searching process is minimized to 2 hours or less because as I said most of the organizers help me by tagging. Then the pilling up part takes about 01 hours or a little more depending on how many contests I found on that particular day.

This takes time because I filter the contest in 02 ways. One is according to the day and then by rewards.

: How can Users / Authors help in making your work easier?

🔶Disconnect: Easy! All they have to do is simply tag me @disconnect when they see a new contest. For contests organizers, they can add #contest among their first five tags.

: Please Can you tell us the story behind the name "Disconnected Rat why did you choose that?

🔶Disconnect: I wanted to start anonymously. When I started, this list I have given up all other social media platforms I used. Even I turned on flight mode on my phone just not to get distracted. So I felt “Disconnected”.

Then the Rat. Well, that’s a creature who is freakishly smart. They love to live in groups yet they have to hunt for food along with their senses. With all that, I felt I’m a small disconnected rat in this world. Maybe all those feelings came with Corona 😂

: What can you say about author's /Users Contributor to the steemit growth recenty?

🔶Disconnect: Users are the core strength of any social media platform. So, their contribution is an essential factor for the growth of Steemit. An active user who produces quality content is priceless for a platform.

I believe Steemit has such users and most of them are well recognized. Recent club initiatives and burnsteem25 also added some advantages to the growth of this platform.

It’s wonderful to see many users contributing to those initiatives.

However, I can highlight one thing that needs improvement which is upvoting other users.

Many users visit blogs of others but yet they do not click upvote for some reason! They have no idea about curation rewards it seems.

Not using the upvote when you have voting power is a waste. It is basically the best way to earn from this platform. All you have to do is give out at least 10 votes for a day.

: what would you advice steemians who wants to make it in the blog?

🔶Disconnect: Produce quality content every day, engage with other users with meaningful comments, upvote quality content and participate in as many contests.

Also, the presentation is important. Make sure that the post is more readable with white spaces and photographs. That’s about everything.

: What can you say about this Interview Show Case program , do you think its something that can contribute to the steemit growth?

🔶Disconnect: I think this is a great initiative. We need these kinds of new ideas to evolve. I see many users are enjoying it. It definitely can contribute to the growth of Steemit because new users can gain many ideas from the experience we share here.


And Our last but not the least of our guests today is @weisser-rabe all the way from Germany, A great lifestyle content lover, a homesteader, and A kind-hearted Steemian. She is one of the top member of Deutsch Unplugged Community, world of xpillar , a great Contributor, and Supporter of Great quality Content.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let's Welcome weisser-rabe to the Show.

: It's my pleasure to have you on the Interview Showcase program today Ma, please tell us , How would you describe your experience on Steemit Platform so far?

🔶weisser-rabe: Thank you very much for the invitation: it is a great honor for me to be interviewed in a series with very well-known and committed Steemians. So thank you also for this opportunity to introduce myself and get some opinions off my chest.

I have been on the Steem since the end of May 2021. I was sort of recruited out of a Facebook group and was curious enough to have a thorough look around in areas that were unknown to me until then.

What appealed to me right from the start was the opportunity to write and read a wide range of posts.

Both thematically and in terms of the spectrum of different bloggers here, I immediately felt very comfortable. I quickly found my way to the German-speaking community Deutsch Unplugged, and I was welcomed with open arms in the World of Xpilar.

I also tried out and gained experience outside of these two communities. And because I am - and always have been - writing all the time, I have also received a lot of attention here after a short time: in the form of interaction, discussion, and sympathy as well as high votes. Of course, I am happy about both aspects.

: What has been your biggest achievement since you joined the Steemit platform ?

🔶weisser-rabe: I could use the usual statistical analyses: dolphin status after 7 months, 145 followers, 15,400 upvotes received... But these are just numbers.

That means very little to me, if I may be honest. My biggest success is the networking that actually takes place. With people from areas where I have had little contact. With topics, I had hardly any contact with before.

With the information that I might otherwise never have found access to. With my own, grown sovereignty to blog constantly and to communicate.

At this point, I also take the liberty of seeing the fact that I am allowed to appear in your interview showcast as a great compliment and thus as a success.

: Do you think Steemit have enough Germans? And If not - what practical steps do you think can be taken in other to introduce more Germans to the platform?

🔶weisser-rabe: Well... Germany is a small country on the big globe and we have the unattractive habit of taking ourselves damn important...

So are there enough of us here? The question is difficult for me to answer - because I don't really think in terms of nations and I couldn't care less where someone comes from.

What I do like, though, is expressing myself in my language, German, and reading the other way round. So I would be quite happy to see more good German language (let's not forget the Austrian and Swiss authors!) Steemians.

Quite a few of those I had the pleasure of knowing and appreciating have withdrawn again for various reasons. Of course, you're not in the thick of it, but I certainly regret not finding anything more from

tepez, dendrobat, umdenker, dorfreporter or mao-mecht.

You don't know these names at all? Exactly. But they would have deserved that. I don't know why they didn't get enough attention or how this could be handled differently in the future. But the bottom line is that I think one German more or one less is irrelevant for the Steem

But there can never be enough good authors.

: A brain creative game called Scrabble was introduced sometimes ago by Chriddi in Deutsch Unplugged Community, How can activities like this increase users creativities in the platform?

🔶weisser-rabe: Well, I only knew Scrabble as a parlour game from hearsay. In fact, I first got involved with it in the online version in Deutsch Unplugged. I found it stimulating and challenging.

You can approach the task of forming the most unusual words possible from randomly drawn letters and then placing them optimally on a playing field with a sense of humor. So it challenges one's vocabulary, strategic thinking, and speed (yes, even if other participants tend to draw strength from calm.

There have been 3 Scrabble rounds so far if I remember correctly. All were excellently received, there were sometimes over 30 participants (from all over the world).

That promotes cohesion. This inspires users to make their own posts on related topics (among others peppermint24 and @ty-ty, among others, have written their own original posts based on the Scrabble idea) And we are all waiting for the next edition! Cherish the habits you have grown to love!

: You then introduce the Raven competitions, can you tell us a little bit about this?

🔶weisser-rabe: In fact, I started very early with the Raven competitions, already a few weeks after my debut on the Steem. I had taken part in a few competitions myself: the geo-quiz by mundharmonika and the Tuesday Fives by filosof103, the film quiz by meins0815, a few short story and photo competitions.

This kind of thing is fun for me, and I particularly love elaborately constructed solution paths that build on each other. That's how my cascade puzzles came about: you find out one answer, which is the basis for the next one. And so on.

The Raven Quiz was born (Do you know why it's called that? My nickname here, weisser-rabe, means white-raven. That's also the name of my company, by the way, and this play on words runs through my whole life...).

I reach slightly fewer participants than Chriddi with her Scrabble, but they are also faithful and participate again in every new edition. In autumn it will be that time again, I promise.

: What would you advice steemians who wants to do better in the blog?

🔶weisser-rabe: That is the all-important question, I suppose. What makes a good (or better) Steemian? Do you all enjoy writing? Do you have fascinating topics, deep thoughts, have you had special experiences that you can share? Are you particularly proud of something, do you want to write something from your soul...? I appreciate all that, I try to read and process all that. It really makes me want to comment and interact.

And poof: good Steemian;-)) Are you here just to get high votes? That's okay. But a reader notices that quite quickly and then doesn't enjoy reading anymore. You can't be both creative and efficient. Success on the Steem takes a certain amount of time.

Time that you invest yourself, time that a good post takes. Time that it takes to be noticed. Also the time it takes for the Steem to be worth something more again. So I generally advise diligence and perseverance, patience and respect for fellow Steemians.

: What can you say about this Interview Show Case program , do you think it‘s something that can contribute to the steemit growth?

🔶weisser-rabe: The concept is great. You have already had many exciting conversations that clarify and focus the motivation to be active here.

You don't lose sight of the people behind the Steem accounts - that's always part of it. After all, only one aspect of our everyday lives takes place here.

Many others take place offline and in the reality of the 21st century. As long as both harmonize with each other, don't cut each other down, and don't constrict each other, for me, the wonderfully complete modern person and blogger.

If your interviews have whetted the „appetite“ of third parties to give it a try, welcome, and all the best!.

: Thank you So much for your great advice, and thanks for honoring my Show

My Say?

Hello great Users, Welcome back from that Awesome interview Session with those great Users, I hope we all learn from those great top Users about What they do to Succeed in the blog and the extra Sacrifices they made in other to Stand out and help others.

You can apply those tips, I am pretty much Sure, that it will help you do much better in the blog as well. Get to work, Stop Complaining, stop bad practice and you will move forward.

Be Creative and you wouldn't have to move around to make unnessacery comments everywhere you See SC01 commenting just to seek attention., It's annoying sometimes.

In the future, With the Permission of the different Users, I'll include either the audio of interviews or the videos, What do you think, please let me know your views in the Comment Section.

Do you think I am missing Something? please feel free to tell me, let's make this more better every day.

Share your Suggestions With me, I'll so much appreciate it, thanks.

Do you have a particular topic you will like me to feature? Is there a User you will like me to feature, Please Contact me, language is not a barrier and all would be handle Succesfully.

Each week will focus on different topics.

If you are interested in being one of our guests, please don't hesitate to contact me any time Soon through my details :
discord: ubongudofot#9499

Telegram: Cantact Me

Please Note that Users/Guess Privacy or Confidentiality would be Considered First before Posting, thank you.

See You next Week for another interesting show, don't miss it !!!

The Previous Shows:

Cc: @pennsif @steemcurator01 @steemcurator02

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