The Interview Showcase #75- Exclusive Talk With a Venezuelan blogger

Hi there,

Welcome to the 75th edition of “The interview showcase...." and my 45th show for 2023. You can't wait to discover what this edition is all about, please follow along as I showcase this interesting user.

If you are new to this page, this lifestyle program has many educational values. A weekly interview of top users/users in the blog concerning some trending topics on the Steemit platform. And tips that can help other Steemians to progress positively and help boost the Steem’s growth.

It will help you to get to know more about Steemians around the globe and even Steem and Steemit itself.

I take time to look at some of the most important topics in the blockchain and have a chat/call with top Steemians who have a greater idea about those topics.

They also share some tips that can help other users understand the blockchain and correctly use it. Sometimes they seek valuable suggestions here to help them solve some of their challenges.

On this week's show I had some interaction with a Venezuelan lifestyle blogger who is commited to her job. She is one of the admins in Traveling Steem community which happened to be the only community account that activated the multisig wizard.

Please join me as I welcome @alegnita all the way from Venezuela to my show for today.

: Hi Alegna, it's nice to have you on my Interview Showcase today, in a few words, how will you describe yourself?

🔶Alegnita : Hi Ub. Let me thank you in the first place by giving me the opportunity to be present in your show. I look at myself as a quiet person that loves to take some risks by often tryin to get a wide scope of experiences that everybody should be doing in life, moreover of learning something new everyday; I'm also a creative person that likes interaction with people around the world, the amazing color blue and adorable kittens as the best pets ever.

: How long have you have been blogging on steemit and who inspire you to put up some interesting contents?

🔶Alegnita : I happen to find an article of someone that stated the possibility to earn 5$ per day in my country by just blogging and that took my attention three years ago, moreover of a cousin that encouraged me to start investing in BTC where I never thought on it before and nowadays I started to learn a lot about the crypto world since July of 2020, the date when I opened my account by myself and I was successfully verified after reading carefully the needed tasks for new comers program, getting graduated in few weeks. Since then, I got widely motivated to provide great posts based in music, pets, food, art, writing, technology, trading and so much.

: Will you say blogging on Steemit has affected you positively?

🔶Alegnita : Absolutely. In fact, due to the long and extended lockdown because of the pandemic situation, Steemit platform served to me as a guaranteed way to stay away of worries while I write about anything I want to share with others, which is relaxing to me, at the same time I was obtaining an extra income as digital asset like the Steem. Gaining so many friends I didn't know before through the meet ups organized in my locality, plus other ones coming from countries of different continents in other virtual channels... That's pretty amazing to me.

: What is one thing people don't know about you?

🔶Alegnita : That's hard to say after telling almost everything about me through my blog during these three years where I've been active, but so far I didn't have the occasion to talk about my fingers: they're all very flexible and when I show people how I am bending them in an unexpected angle, they use to get very surprised. Sooner or later I'll be preparing a post with detailed pictures and you'll see...

: How have you contributed to Steem's growth in your country?

🔶Alegnita : As I also like to share great content in the traditional social media (let's say Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and so on but specially in Instagram), I've published over there with the proper hashtags, showing for example how can I pay services in Venezuela through the crypto asset that can be exchanged to the local currency/dollars or maybe a normal activity of my artistical performance of typical melodies, my travel to the capital city that was previously shared in Steemit... So I'm thinking about to create more contents like these one to make easier the possibility on having a great lifestyle thanks to the digital space of Steem and other decentralized ecosystems..

: Recently, you created a new community with your team, why did you create another steem traveling community? And what were some of the security measures you took?

🔶Alegnita : Unfortunately there was a sudden shutdown of the last travel community from the part of an individual founder's initiative, where I've been working with my current mates from Bangladesh and Italy in a one year period. So in this new situation we agreed to open a new community with the same vision in order to start from the scratch but with the big difference to ensure the holding of all keys from our part and also using an excellent tool that happen to be officially released by @pennsif and his team. The Multi Signature Wizard where we set two among three of us authorizing any transaction related with withdrawals getting out of the main account. It's an excellent one because it notifies immediately a transaction is made by one of the signatories.

: What do you think helped you to excel in traveling and tourism contents? Also, do you think users with such contents receive some encouraging supports? perhaps, this can encourage other users too?

🔶Alegnita : I think that keeping a solid loyalty to yourself will help you to be successful in any field you feel suits you better. As Marsha Sinetar states in her book "Do What You Love, Money Will Follow", and sun does the same, Steemit brights to anyone that wants to share genuine content with high quality while you are serving to others by just being yourself. it isn't too much effort doing what you really love to do and tourism. For me is it something awesome to develop my own personality and at the same time will help me to grow my soul by knowing new people, places, and traditions... In summary: humongous experiences.

: Do you have some suggestions on how to make Steemit more better than now?

🔶Alegnita : In this new era of digital information, I find the essential of improving a greater visual interface in the platform, specially to the new potential users. That's because, talking psychologically, our brains tends to be impressed at the first sight. So I'm sure marketing will be improving by taking in his important aspect.

: *What is your profession in real life?

🔶Alegnita : I'm a civil engineer that worked as project professional in a cotton company for around 7 years just before the starting of pandemic period and then I dedicated my time to keep performing as freelancer specialized in structural and architectural designs with the help of specific softwares, an amazing aspect I love from my profession..

: What is the most bored thing in this present generation compared to when you were younger?

🔶Alegnita : The lack of an interesting variety of activities right now with less opportunities to learn organically through them. I mean, I am aware the big advantage that technology offers to the new generation nowadays but at the same time puts an invisible but powerful barriers on developing stronger relationships and connections with the environment where they live.

: How do you feel about the discontinuation of Tron from the Steemit blog?

🔶Alegnita : This was a great initiative that worked perfectly at the right conditions a pair of years ago to attract more people to Steemit and also motivate current users on Powering Up in first place and then get those extra assets by just being interactive into the Blockchain. Because I have improved about trading skills (learning new things can't be even stopped), of course with more incomes I don't find this new situation with such impact, although for any organization it's always welcome to make room for alliances with other relative groups to improve services and encouraging people to do their best on blogging in this great site called Steemit Blog...

: Do you have any favourite movies?

🔶Alegnita : I enjoy any movie that is based on biographies from iconical characters in history like the King's Speech or La Vie en Rose. Also those ones that made such impact before like Deepwater ,Horizon plus, titanic..

: How do you feel now that your new community is bouncing well and what would you like users to know about the community?

🔶Alegnita : It's exciting to me and the team to be finally have different active members coming from many groups of the countries knowing about Traveling Steem is a friendly space they can find to share their travel experiences while they also support others. Not only trips but also they can post and share about typical meals, traditions, tips for better experiences in nature or cities and so on..

: Which user will you like me to interview in my show and why?

🔶Alegnita : What about @kikenexum? I would like to see this spanish guy as your guest in the show in order to know his impression about blogging in Steemit while he makes unstoppable trips on the five continents and his posts are always very interesting if you are a travel lover for sure. He went to Mexico and Vietnam and even in his own Spain he did great travel journeys I'd love to start doing soon with a passport in my hand..

: What do you like doing in your leisure?

🔶Alegnita : While I don't have enough resources to make new trips (I mean time and money) I use to read excellent books, maybe playing flute or cooking a new recipe I have never done before and lately trading as something new I discovered and allows me to surpass my fear by learning to manage my own emotions towards finances, because this will help me to be stronger on how I take and bear risks that many of us we should be doing frequently as I stated at the beginning..

: What's your kind of music, can you sing it?

🔶Alegnita : Instrumental music in classical and typical genres (depending of the region), so it can't be singing, although all I can do is to perform songs in my traverse flute, just like I did in the following video from my YouTube channel where I played music for Steem too:

: On average, how many hours per week do you put into Steemit-related efforts?

🔶Alegnita : I'm not really sure in fact because it depends on the available time of everyday, but I reckon an hour at noons to write paragraphs and prepare pictures for new articles while iNet speed takes too much time to be faster (typical in my country) so at nights I can finally spend a pair of hours on uploading everything and then start with curation duties at the community. Only I take few minutes in mornings to check new updates in order to see what is necessary to be done, so in this case it's what I like the most in Steemit: it allows me enough flexibility throughout the weeks..

: What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to Steemit?

🔶Alegnita : The different perspectives on taking the interpretation of current rules in curation activities. For example, I know the importance of clubs to make Steemit stronger day to day thorough Power Ups, but often times, some curators set me out of the initiative when I send liquid Steems to other users as prizes for partaking in my contests, so before telling I'm out of any club, they have to read memos and check where I sent the tokens that are not really traveling directly to an external exchange.

: Which Steemian would you like to have dinner with if you have the opportunity?

🔶Alegnita : Since the beginning, I admire @axeman as an excellent professional photographer that is always traveling to other nations in order to capture the essence of each place he visits. So I would like to do the same because photography is also a great hobbie that reflects what I want to show others. So, in a dinner I might ask him to tell me his hidden secrets for the best shots to obtain from a good camera.

: Do you have any messages for the Steemit Team?

🔶Alegnita : Yes. I would like to take the opportunity to let them know I'm very grateful for their great work in terms of building up an organic community that comes here to share their knowledges, experiences and more through their blogs. Would be so nice to be flexible and try to find out the best way to attract more potential authors that would be feeling supported because I'm sure there's a lot of them that are genuinely creating excellent posts but for many reasons they're less visible to the main scope of good votes. I mean other type of contents that aren't just diaries or challenges... they all deserve a great attention too, not all likes to join contests or talking about their private lives..

: What can you say about the Interview Showcase, do you think it is interesting and should be continued?

🔶Alegnita : Of course. This project of yours on Steemit platform is pretty interesting to know and to know about the personality most outstanding users we use to see in the blockchain. I really loved the editions where you've interviewed our dear red haired @vivigibelis, the friendly @disconnect rat I've ever met in life or even @adeljose behind of the picture for a little chicken and also this nice girl from Turkey @enveng... Such quality contents in the shape of interviews brings a high value to the Steem ecosystem..

I hope you enjoy the Show...? Do you think I am missing something? Please feel free to tell me, let's make this better daily. Share your suggestions with me, I'll so much appreciate it.

Do you have a particular topic you would like me to feature? Is there a user you would like me to feature? Please contact me (language) is not a barrier and all will be handled successfully.

If you are interested in being one of my guests, please don't hesitate to contact me any time soon through my details: Discord: ubongudofot#9499

Telegram: Contact Me

Please note that users/guest's privacy or confidentiality would be considered first before posting, thank you.

See you next week for another interesting show, don't miss it.

⭐⭐⭐ Announcement⭐⭐⭐


Multisig Wizard by @pennsif and team is now available on the blog, read here to know more about it and how to use it:

The Previous Shows:

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