The Interview Showcase #76- Exclusive Talk With a Bulgarian blogger

Hi there,

Welcome to the 76th edition of “The interview showcase...." and my 46th show for 2023. This happens to be the last edition for the year 2023.

If you are new to this page, this lifestyle program has many educational values. A weekly interview of users in the blog concerning some trending topics on the Steemit platform. And tips that can help other Steemians to progress positively and help boost the Steem’s growth.

It will help you to get to know more about Steemians around the globe and even Steem and Steemit itself.

I take time to look at some of the most important topics in the blockchain and have a chat/call with Steemians who have a greater idea about those topics.

They also share some tips that can help other users understand the blockchain and correctly use it. Sometimes they seek valuable suggestions here to help them solve some of their challenges.

On this week's show, I interviewed a blogger from Bulgaria. For some reasons, this user's content/blog have been so attractive to me for a very long time now and I visit there more often. She is a photographer, a good writer with some great reads and she is also good in post engagement, I think that was were we met. Please join me as I welcome @soulsdetour from Bulgaria!

@soulsdetour's property

: Hi soulsdetour, it's nice to have you on my show today... how will you describe yourself to users who doesn't know you?

🔶Soulsdetour : Hi, it’s a great honor to be featured in your great show on my favorite platform! Well, it's hard to talk about myself, and maybe that's why it took me a while to formulate my signature a while ago, but I still managed to do it, saying a lot about myself there. Yet, in short, I am a HSP who never stops asking questions and exploring the world.

: How did you hear about the Steemit platform and why did you join?

🔶Soulsdetour : I heard about Steemit from a friend and joined because it was something completely new to me, an endless field of exploration and self-expression.

: Your blog is full with some interesting story, have you always been a blogger?

🔶Soulsdetour : Nowadays, perhaps every person can be considered a blogger after the entry of social networks into our lives. But yes, I used to have my own blog in the past.

: How far have you gone in blogging?

🔶Soulsdetour : Having my own blog was some kind of achievement. But to have reached the reputation I have here today through blogging is also an achievement for me.

: Has work ever made you leave your country before? And how was the experience?

🔶Soulsdetour : It wasn't the job that made me leave my country years ago, but rather the desire to change my way of life completely. It really enriched my life experience. I am a supporter of the idea that a person learns most through experience.

: What do you put into consideration before posting your contents?

🔶Soulsdetour : What I mostly stick to in my posts is to express my opinion openly and honestly. When I write about something, it is based on my own experience and it affects me in some way. If I don't have anything to say about an issue, I just don't write about it.

: Generally, do you think Steemians are doing well in terms of engagement in the blog?

🔶Soulsdetour : If we talk about the whole platform, yes, I think they are doing well. Many bloggers really try to engage in a quality way that doesn't look like spam consisting of a few uniform and repetitive words.

: If you could travel anywhere in the world that you've not yet been, where would that be?

🔶Soulsdetour : I haven't thought about it before, but maybe some Spanish island. Lanzarote, for example. And why not all of them.

: What is your biggest pet peeve?

🔶Soulsdetour : When it comes to Steemit, I was very disappointed when I discovered an organized network of accounts posting stolen posts some time ago. That's why I'm very happy with the launch of the Steemwatcher project.

: What is your favorite song?

Soulsdetour : I wouldn't say I have just one favorite song. I have favorite musicians who have remained favorites over the years, but at different periods in my life I've had different favorite bands, as everything has changed around me and inside of me, so I can't just stick to one thing in particular..

: Have you heard any African music before?

Soulsdetour : I think I haven’t. So this is an occasion to do it now.

: Here we go, enjoy the music!

: Outside of the blockchain world, what are your hobbies/interests?

Soulsdetour : My hobbies are photography, traveling and writing.

: Whose Steemit blog are you most entertained by?

🔶Soulsdetour : I certainly have quite a few favorite bloggers. But the most important thing to note is that Steemit has not reached its peak or endpoint of possible good bloggers. On any following day, one can be surprised by some new account that has just started writing, or one that one is seeing for the first time for one reason or another. Sometimes the platform is like a magic trunk from which hidden treasures can emerge at any moment.

: Which user will you like me to interview in my show and why?

🔶Soulsdetour : Oh, I can list a lot of people, but everyone deserves to be on your show, I'm sure. I would not like to answer this question, because by limiting myself to the mention of one person, I leave out many others. It's not fair, is it?.

: Which important fact about Bulgaria your country would you like foreigners to know about?

🔶Soulsdetour : As a matter of fact, I don't want to tell anyone anything in advance. Maybe because everything here is very controversial, it is plus and minus, black and white, very complicated.

: If you were to turn back the hands of time, which event in your life will you like to see...happening again?

🔶Soulsdetour : I wouldn't want anything in my life to happen again. Perhaps mostly because we can't talk about something you'll just see with your eyes. You will have to relive it, go through it again. And that is not easy.

: Which changes would you like to see on Steem by 2024?

🔶Soulsdetour : I wouldn't call them changes. Rather, I would be happy if was enriched with small improvements that would make it a little more informative, reviewable and user friendly.

: What is the most difficult thing you've ever attempted to learn?

🔶Soulsdetour : It turned out that my life is one continuous learning, and I continue to learn even now. It's just that I've gone to another level - I'm trying to learn things on my own. So for me, the hardest experience, but also my biggest failure, was when I tried to teach myself programming. It did not work out.

: Do you have any message to the steemit team?

🔶Soulsdetour : I wish them a prosperous new year and hope they continue to work for the well-being of the entire system and all its participants with a long-term vision for the future.

: What can you say about the Interview Showcase, do you think it is interesting and should be continued?

🔶Soulsdetour : Of course it should be continued. Highlighting individual bloggers, whether they are big, old and established accounts or not, is of great importance to the community, because we are all small links of a big whole that we care about and shape together, putting the best of us in this common activity.

I hope you enjoy the Show...? Do you think I am missing something? Please feel free to tell me, let's make this better daily. Share your suggestions with me, I'll so much appreciate it.

Do you have a particular topic you would like me to feature? Is there a user you would like me to feature? Please contact me (language) is not a barrier and all will be handled successfully.

If you are interested in being one of my guests, please don't hesitate to contact me any time soon through my details: Discord: ubongudofot#9499

Telegram: Contact Me

Please note that users/guest's privacy or confidentiality would be considered first before posting, thank you.

See you next week for another interesting show, don't miss it.

⭐⭐⭐ Announcement⭐⭐⭐


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