Art Attack! #42: Explore. Dream. Discover. 🌌


Hey Steemit!

We're back again with another Art Attack! If you're new to the series, this is where I share my drawings and the process behind them. A behind-the-scenes look at my artwork, if you will. This is not to say that I'm very good at art, or that I'm a professional in any way. In fact this is the opposite, and serves as a reminder to how I first started, and lets me track my progress too!

So if you caught last week's post, you'd know that I found and tried a brand new art style! It was based off several outdoorsy-themed vectors I found on Google, and I compiled all the ones I liked and combined them all into this:


I really liked this piece; it's simple and minimalist, while still having enough detail to create a comprehensive landscape.

Anyway, since my friend inspired me to try this new black and white, cartoony art style, I thought it'd only be fitting to draw a similar piece for her!
She really likes hiking and running outdoors, and has a penchant for cosmic stuff which were a really good fit actually. And I could even use some of the vectors I had already found.

Here were some of the vectors that I referenced!


Source: Pinterest


Source: weheartit


Source: Pinterest


Source: Pinterest

I knew I wanted the mountains in the background with some planets, stars and an alien coming from a spaceship or something. She'd shown me a tattoo design with an alien and spaceship that she wanted to get, and I thought it was really nice and cute. And it would fit in so well with the piece I had in mind.

From the mountains there would be a river running through the middle and there would a cliff in the foreground with her silhouette standing on it looking towards the mountains.

Once I had a clear picture of what I wanted in mind, and I had all the vectors I needed, I set out to sketching!


I initially had some trouble with the cliff since I had to get the angle just right. But I think I managed to pull it off. This was the final sketch:


I really liked the cabin and the tents that I drew from the previous piece, and decided to put them in the midground since there wasn't anything else there.


After cleaning up the pencil marks, this was the final look!


I think I kinda screwed up the circle outline a little bit, but overall I liked how this piece turned out! The shadows on the mountains look legit, and I think the perspective worked, though maybe some more shadow distinctions on the cliff would make the foreground pop out more. It's alright though.

I was gonna give this piece to my friend as-is, but I figured a frame would be a lot nicer presentation-wise since it's a gift. And IKEA just so happened to have frames that fit exactly right! What a happy coincidence!


I think with the frame it looked perfect. The circle may have got cut off a little bit but it's okay.

So I actually finished this piece in mid-June but I didn't see them until July because of my knee injury. But when I finally gave it to her I was so happy that she liked it!


After all this style was completely inspired by her (along with the many vectors I found on Google). But it always reminds me of her. This was the first piece of art I ever gave her and I'm so glad (and relieved) she loved it!


Btw that is my art instagram profile if you wanna check it out here!

Thanks for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!
Art Attack! #41: Adventure and Serenity in the Great Outdoors 🏕

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