Splinterlands Weekly Challenge - Theme: Undead Minotaur

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Splinterlands Weekly Challenge

So, another new week amid Corona CoVid expanding it's reach by multi fold, it's also time for another new blog on Splinterlands Weekly Challenge with Undead Minotaur.
Many thanks to @carrieallen and @splinterlands team for trying to give exposure to many such not so used monsters.

Although, I was waiting for a Super Sneak battle with 99 Mana cap for a perfect match, that didn't happen for almost 2 days and I have to settle for a less Mana cap battle and details are in below screenshot with link to battle.



Sneakpeak on Undead Minotaur:


Undead Minotaur is the dark creature of Anumün.
In simple words, a Common death monster, which, in my honest opinion, one of the less used death monsters.

Below are the level-wise stats for this monster which comes with abilities Double Strike and Retaliate.


Let's see a little more on abilities:

Double Strike

Double Strike is the ability to strike a monster 2 times in succession in each round causing double damage.

This ability is available from level 1 through level 10 although the melee attacks are different in different levels.

Levels 1,2 and 3 have single attack(actually 2 based on double strike).
Levels 4 to 8 have 2 melee attack and 9 and 10 gives a 3 melee attack constituting 6 melee attack in each round provided both strikes are successful.


Retaliate is the ability to strike back when the monster is attacked by an melee monster.

Retaliate is not 100% ensured with each melee attack by opponent monsters.

This ability is available from level 6 onwards.



Since this was a Super Sneak battle, the cards in the order are as below:

Lord of Darkness:

I used this as frontline monster because of it's melee attack of 4(increased to 5 because of Daria Dragonscale Summoner usage) along with 2 armors which also has the abilities of Expand, Stun and Dodging to get upto a damage of 8 and also take half damage from melee monsters attack due to Dodging.

Undead Minotaur:

Our hero has to be among second line attacks for it's sheer ability of Double Strike and since it's a Super Sneak battle. The melee attack of 2+1 = 6 because of double strike will help to wipe out a monster as this is a low MANA battle.

Furious Chicken:

I kept this as last but one card to cover for the Sneak attack as my last card Cocatrice with Dodging and Flying abilities, will avoid some melee attacks and still may not be enough.


This has to be the one to take on Sneak since there isn't enough MANA cap to have a Lord Arianthus or some other monster.

It's abilities of Dodging and Flying will definitely be handy and evade the melee sneak attacks.


Battle Details:

Well, I have to agree this is one of the shortest battles with just 3 rounds to complete the battle.


As we can see, opponent used Contessa L'ament summoner(which reduces the ranged attack by 1) and his monsters were in the order were: Haunted Spirit, Creeping Ooze, Skeleton Assasin, Twisted Jester, Haunted Spider and finally Furious Chicken.

Round 1:

Cards before the First attack were looking like this:


I didn't use any ranged attack monsters, but, my melee attack monsters got +1 attack due to summoner Daria Dragonscale.

First attack came from Skeleton Assasin attacking my Cocatrice and reducing health to 1 and then the ranged monsters of Twisted Jester and Haunted Spider attacked my Lord of Darkness helping it to expand and have an attack of 8 perfect enough to remove the Haunted Spirit just after it attacked the Lord of Darkness.

Then Undead Minotaur and Furious Chicken combined to remove the Haunted Spider as it was just a single strike from Undead Minotaur and that completed round 1.

Round 2:

At the end of round 1, monsters were:


Like in round 1, Skeleton Assasin with highest speed, got to attack Cocatrice and removed it.

Twisted Jester reduced the health of Lord of Darkness to 4 but soon, The Lord removed Creeping Ooze to gain speed.

Undead Minotaur Double Striked Twisted Jester to remove it and we just have Skeleton Assassin to battle it out and confirm victory.

Round 3:

Monsters after Round 2 are:


It was just a formality as Lord of Darkness removed Skeleton Assasin and Undead Minotaur was helpful with it's Double Strike in 2 rounds.


Did my strategy work? What will I try differently next time?

Yes, perfectly worked. Frankly speaking, the monsters I used looks 100% fit and may not need any change for the battle type and MANA cap provided.

Do I use the UNDEAD MINOTAUR often? Why or why not?

Nope, I don't use it all nowadays.
I wouldn't like to use the Undead Minotaur again since I have another Double Strike card Hibgoblin as and when required instead of Undead Minotaur.
Also I have better death cards which are enough to give me a win.

Thanks for reading this out patiently and with increase in cases of Corona CoVid 19, it's safe to not to go out at all unless very necessory to avoid the spreading of this epidemic virus.

Stay Safe and Keep battling and blogging :)



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