Splinterlands Weekly Challenge - Battle with Nectar Queen

Hello battlers,

Hope you are doing good.

I am writing this blog in response to the Weekly Challenge by @splinterlands and the challenge is to win a battle with Nectar Queen monster and share the details.

More details available in below link.


A little information about Nectar Queen:

Nectar Queen is a Reward monster belonging to Earth Splinter and is one of the high mana cost monsters from Earth Splinter.

Nectar Queen comes with an attack of 4 from level one and can have an attack of 5 in level 8 and above.

It is also one of the high health monsters with health starting with 10 from level 1 and subsequently reaches 13 in level 7.

Nectar Queen has 3 different abilities.

1. Flying:

Flying ability provides the monster with an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from monsters who do not have the Flying ability.

2. Retaliate:

Retaliate ability enables the monster to hit back or Retaliate when it is hit by a Melee attack.

3. Poison:

Poison ability gives the monster a chance to apply poison which does automatic damage to the target at the beginning of each round after poison is applied.

Battle involving Nectar Queen:

I got to battle my opponent who had also lined up Earth Splinter.

The battle had a 48 mana cap with Armored Up and involved Earthquake battle.


My lineup included Nectar Queen, Minotaur Warrior, Screeching Vulture, Javelin Thrower, Wood Nymph and Cyclops.

1. Nectar Queen:

I used this because of feasibility of high mana cap along with battle being Earthquake type. With 11 health and 4 attack, this fits 100% as first monster to protect subsequent monsters.

2. Minotur Warrior:

This has to be in second position because of it's Reach ability and it's by default armors protects it from earthquake and makes it available for one more round.

3. Screeching Vulture:

This fits perfectly for third position because the first 2 melee attacks protects it from direct exposure and it being an Flying monster with Opportunity ability, should help in getting rid of low health monsters.

4. Javelin Thrower:

With it's 5 health and additional armors, it can last upto 4 round if not attacked by some monster and can Pierce thru armors.

5. Wood Nymph:

A healer which is very much required and also gives that additional 1 magic attack.

6. Cyclops:

Lined this up as sixth monster because of it's Shield ability to get less damage from Sneak monsters and also helps in with reduced damage due to earthquake.

So, that's about my lineup and opponent too had Nectar Queen, but not as a front monster.

His lineup included Flesh Golem, Gelatinous Cube, Nectar Queen, Goblin Mech, Elven Defender and Mushroom Seer.

Let's move on to the battle.

Round 1:

Round 1 had 12 iterations with Javelin Thrower followed by other monsters from my side attacking Flesh Golem and reduced the health to 2 by end of round 1.


Round 2:

Immediate earthquake at the beginning of round 2 means, Flesh Golem got removed bringing on the Gelatinous Cube to front.

Mushroom Seer of opponent got removed in round 2 courtesy of my Screeching Vulture with Opportunity ability.

Gelatinous Cube's health reduced to just 1 by end of round 2.


Round 3:

Earthquake at the beginning saw end of Gelatinous Cube and Nectar Queen of opponent is now into front to take on my monsters.

Since Nectar Queen was the only monster to attack for opponent, it didn't do much damage except for removing armors of my Nectar Queen.

The end of round 3 reduced the health of Nectar Queen of opponent to 3.


Round 4:

Round 4 saw end of opponent's Nectar Queen and Goblin Mech, which couldn't attack Nectar Queen because of Flying ability of Nectar Queen.

That brought the Elven Defender to the attack.


Round 5:

Elven Defender got removed without even attacking once and that was the end of this Five rounds battle.


Now, let's see some questions with answers about the battle.

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

I guess yes, with all the monsters involved in the battle from round 1, this line up worked good for me eventhough opponent had high health monsters like Goblin Mech and Nectar Queen.

I think there wasn't anything else could have made it better for this particular battle for me.

Do you use the NECTAR QUEEN often? Why or why not?

To be frank, I do not use this much as Flesh Golem is still my favorite for it's healing ability.

That's all for this battle and I would like to thank @splinterlands for the challenge and inspiring me to write a blog.

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