I love this Cube so much! – Full Battle Analysys

Some time ago I had already written a post about how much I love this Gelatinous Cube and shared a lot of battles played with it.

Now I come to participate in this contest, and by coincidence, I won a memorable battle a few days ago with the Cube.

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I don't know if the battle was so spectacular, but it was quite remarkable, and one of the main reasons is that it gave me my first victory in a tournament here at Splinterands.

In the grand final I started losing 2 games and then there was a tie, it seemed an impossible mission to win 3 battles in a row against a player so strong that was my opponent, but everything happened magically.


In this battle, the last one, which crowned me a champion, that occurred in the Earthquake rule, the Cube was fundamental but I cannot fail to mention its partnership with another card the Screeching Vulture!

The choice of the first two cards was the same for both players: Furious Chicken and Brownie.

Battle Link: @marianaemilia versus jacekw

The idea of using these low mana cards at first is to save time, as they can absorb the first damage at a low mana cost. The Brownie here also has the important function of adding speed to all units of the army with its ability Swiftness.

In general, the Cocatrice card would be a good choice in the first position, but here an important detail: this specific battle also has the Aim True rule, which makes the Cocatrice much weaker because of its abilities and speed here are useless to evade blows and arrows.

My opponent then used the Failed Summoner and Lord Arianthus cards, it was a good choice, considering that Reflect Magic would be very efficient if I had chosen cards with magic damage or chose the deck of Water. In these positions, these cards also work very well to absorb attacks from enemy snipers.

However, I sensed that my opponent would use the Earth splint. I knew he had the Spirit of Forest that he would certainly use. That is why I chose the Gelatinous Cube instead of the Lord, the Cube absorbs better the arrows because it has Healing, which makes it more effective also in the Earthquake rule.

The choice of summoners Lyanna Natura against Xander Foxwood seems to give me a slight advantage since + 1 life is very interesting to survive an earthquake. Since my opponent's summoner gives him 1 mana more, this enabled him to have more cards in play, including Child of the Forest, which is a great choice in the Earthquake, as being a sniper and have the ability Snare, he has the chance, for example, to end the Spirit of the Forest party by hitting him, causing to lose his earthquake immunity.


The choice of the super powerful Spirit of the Forest card by both players is no surprise, considering that this is a classic and essential creature that cannot be missed to succeed in this fighting mode. Three of its features are closely related to Earthquake advantages, Protect, helping all cards to absorb the first impact of the quake, Fly and Heal Tank.

My choice of Vulture was also very correct because it is a creature that flies and does not suffer from the earthquake, in addition to having the ability Scavenger, which benefits you with + 1 hit point every time a creature dies benefiting in this way twice in the earthquake. After all, it strengthens every time the quake kills an enemy, to end its Opportunity it is quite sharp, reaching the weakest enemies.

Now let's go to the fight! Notice how my Cube absorbed the attacks of the 2 enemy snipers, healing itself each round, which the Lord could not do.

However, when he reached the tank position, the red alert was turned on, my Spirit of the Forest began to be mercilessly hit, even suffering the consequences of the damage with Snare and dying quickly.


At this moment it seems that I am at a disadvantage but in fact, everything is fine, since my enemy's cards are defensive, there is no way to attack my Cube, and Spirit's arrows are not enough to kill him

The main danger for me would be that my Vulture would be eliminated by the Thorns when it recurrently reached Lord Arianthus, but miraculously he resisted, reaching the point of only having 1 hit point. Then he still did the job of eliminating Spirit of the Forest.


An interesting aspect of this battle is that Failed Sumonner ultimately benefited me, because if he had been eliminated and we had, in the end, the Spirit of the Forest in the first position, it would probably be a draw, since Spirit would heal yourself and not the Failed Summoner, making the Vulture's blows useless.

I was very happy after this battle because, in addition to winning my first tournament, I received a substantial prize of 17500 DECs!

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Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Please, comment, make criticisms and suggestions.

I will be regularly posting my most interesting battles and would like to discuss the strategic aspects of the game.

Your comment on this post may receive upvotes from me and several friends. See you in the next battle!

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Images: @splinterlands

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