Hocus Pocus... This feisty little minx has a divine right to kick your ass!


Another week, another SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGEand another attempt to win some amazing upvotes from the brilliant curation team over at @steemmonsters / @splinterlands.

The SYBC is definitely one of my favourite blogs of the week, and I really look forward to seeing which battle theme or monster is to be used in a battle this time. This week @carrieallen has asked us to share a battle using that little Ray of sunlight - the "Divine Sorceress". Plus to top it off this week, her husband @chrisroberts is sweetening the pot by giving away 3 of the EPIC cards as additional prizes. I'll take one of them off your hands my new best friend....

The Devine Sorceress is a feisty little minx, with a fetish for torture (apparently)

With a solid magic attack, but poor health and speed, her saving grace is her monster buff - Divine Shield.

This is a very handy little buff, as it can withstand and repel the first attack damage received, regardless of amount of damage or method received.

Shes not usually a monster I would use on a daily bases, but when the challenge was set, I went about finding the best possible scenario to use her skill set in.


Like I said, I don't often use the Divine Sorceress, but felt that this battle rule set and Mana best suited to "giving her a go". Since she is part of the LIFE splinter, and because the rule-set was AIM TRUE, I knew I could offset her batteling ability with some heavy hitters from that splinter

Watch this weeks battle HERE

When building a batteling deck, I always check to see what my opponent has previously used. It looked like @olvaus is a big fan of the water splinter, and used magic attack as their main strategy. To combat this, I decided to place my level 2 Lord A in the tank position. With shield, void and reflect, he may not be able to dish out damage, but can definitely return any damage. BUT in typic fashion, they went opposite end of the spectrum from water and chose fire... Never mind Lord A is still an awesome tank!

I was unsure who to put in second spot... Expecting @olvaus to use WATER splinter I wanted someone with a the ability to break through any shield, but still have enough life to withstand any "blasts" from ruler of the seas.....

This is where I slotted in my Divine Sorceress. Tucked away in the middle of the deck away from any harm, but in front of my ranged attacks, just incase my front line got breached.

Now throw in (no pun-intended) two very dangerous range attack monsters! In fact it was the Air Elemental that saved my bacon. His speed and AIM TRUE battle rule meant that he instantly took out the dangerous Dwarf. If the dwarf had struck first, it may have changed the battle outcome completely.

Then sitting in the back is a great card for such low Mana - the Crystal Werewolf. For only 3 mana, it has surprisingly good health, the THORN buff and SILENCE. Silence is a great buff that reduces all opponents monsters of 1 magic attack and expecting to see WATER splinter it was a must.


As you can see, by watching the battle, it ended up being a pretty one-sided affair. My Lord A held up well against all the front loaded attacks of @olvaus and funny enough, it was actually the Devine Sorceress that dealt the final blow of the battle.

Would I have changed anything?? Unsure to be honest, this team worked very well together against the opposition presented in front of me. I could have possible swapped out the Devine Sorceress, but with only 3 mana to spare, it would mean replacing like-for-like. So maybe the feral cat, or elven cutthroat, or possible a Highland archer! But to best get through the Goblin Mechs shields, the magic attack of the Sorceress was the correct choice.


What would you change? Do you use the Devine Sorceress on a regular basis and if so where and what battle theme best suits her?

Let me k ow what you think of my line up and how you'd change anything....


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