The Green spotlight #1: “The richest Man in Babylon”

Hello and welcome to the maiden edition of “The green spotlight’’.


Today marks the beginning of something special. Am going to be sharing with us a weekly publication; a weekly review of inspiring books on different genres from motivational books to books on financial intelligence, to relationships books and any other genre to which my audience would be interested in.

Reading is my hobby and my passion and my life has been so inspired by the great books I come across everyday. These books have been of immense inspiration to me and I decide not to keep its blessing to myself anymore.

I want to say a very big thank you to our very own @ubongudofot who has been of great encouragement to me to kick start this long awaited project.

I also own him the gratitude for the insight behind the name of the project “The green spotlight”. There couldn’t have been a better name to call this.

He explained that When you read, you have the opportunity to discover new things and as such, it serves as a green light.

So I adopted the perfect name as he suggested and called it “The Green spotlight” because I am in a sense letting people know that they can learn something new here that can lead to success.

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Have you heard the saying that readers are leaders, yes and leaders are readers. If you want to be a great leader tomorrow, then follow me on this beautiful journey as I unveil to us great and inspiring books which we would read together and journey to that great heaight of leadership and accomplishment.

Unto the review

For Our maiden review, we are looking at a book tittled; THE RICHEST MAN IN BABYLON.

  • Author : George S. Clayson
  • Year published: 1926
  • Number of chapters: 11
  • Number of pages: 159
  • Published by : Signet, New American Library, Penguin Putnam.
  • Forward written by : George S. Clayson

My opinion about the book “The Richest Man in Babylon’’


The richest man is Babylon is a book that used the stories of the ancient men that lived in the luxurious and famous ancient city called Babylon, to drive home the key things we should note and apply in our lives today if we want to be successful and wealthy.

These men lived centuries ago in an era when civilization has not reached its peak as it is today, yet they flourished in Gold. How much more we that are living in this age of technology?

The theme of this book is on getting wisdom for accumulating gold and making our gold work for us. Gold comes to those who knows how to host it and send it on an errand and runs away from those who don’t.

Key points from the chapters

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From the pages of this great book, I’ve drafted out a summary of the key points worthy of note;

  • If you want to grow wealth, you must save at least not less than 10% of every money that enters your hands. In this book we have so many illustrations through stories on how men apply this principle and started their journey to wealth.

Who doesn’t love intriguing stories that motivates you to dig into that uncharted course? Why not find out more for yourself in those alluring pages.

  • When you have saved and cut down your expenses to fit your means, you must send your saved golds on errands by investing them on well thought after projects that would make your golds beget more golds and the children more golds.

A man in the books lost his whole year savings of gold to a thoughtless venture. How painful, do you want to know what really happened? The pages calls.

  • If I give you a bag of gold and a bag of wisdom, which would you take? A bag of gold I guess. I would go for the bag of wisdom instead.

Ridiculous right? That’s because I know something you need to know too and it’s all in those beautiful pages.

  • Is work your friend or your enemy? Find out how men made work their friends and bought themselves freedom from slavery into the greatness that would last generations to come.

My rating for the book

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This book is a super glue for me. I was literally glued to it as I was ravaging through the pages as the stories told in its ancient pages tore at my soul and making me see the invisible. I give it a rating of 9/10.

I’ve read a lot of financial book and this is one of those beautiful ancient secrets and wisdom hidden in paper. Hence the rating.

Do you know the laws of gold? Have you heard about the prosperity of this ancient city and the men in it and how they built a city from nothing but clay into greatness. Are you tired of your present financial state and Do you want to start a financial journey that would make you stand out from the lack and obscurity of your generation?Then this book is for you.


Wisdom stand at the streets and call. If you have ears, then answer its call. The green spotlight has brought you to the spot where there’s light and it’s green.

Choose to read this and walk away or choose to lie down in this green spot and let the light begin to shine on you as you make an appointment with destiny to read “The richest man in Babylon”.

To show you how inspiring this book is, I talked alittle about it too in one of the engagement challenge. So you really need to read it.

This is not just a blog, it’s destiny calling. I know some great thoughts are going through your mind right now. I would love to hear of it in the comment section.

Do you feel there some things you would suggest to improve this blog? feel free to share. Do you have a book you would want me to review? Just mention it.

Thanks for being a part of this great journey. I hope to see you again on our next edition.

Cc: @ubongudofot

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