The Green Spotlight #15; 15 reasons why you are broke and how to fix it.


This is the fifteenth Edition of the green Spotlight. You are welcome.

The green spotlight is a weekly review of inspiring book which is aimed to get our readers hooked on and inspired to explore the idea of reading wild and wide.

Over the last editions, we have been exploring books from different genres and it can only get better.

Over here we believe that readers are leaders. If you want to lead, you must be ahead of others. So let’s get on with it as we look at a very interesting book for the week. Shall we?

Unto the review of the week

This week’s review is on the book “15 common reasons Why you are still broke and how to fix it”

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Author: Emmanuel Ape
Year published: 2023
Number of chapters: 15
Number of pages: 63
Published by :

My opinion about the book “ 15 common reasons Why you are still broke and how to fix it’’


Wahala for who no get money, in Nigerian Pidgin ascent. Creating wealth and not just making money has come to be an integral part of our existence. A song writer and singer said if you don’t have money hide your face.

Well we ain’t hiding no face cos we are willing to learn from the people who have succeeded financially to learn the nitty gritties of what they did, apply it to our lives and see good financial result.

But how do you know the root cause of a problem with proper diagnosis. This book will help us learn some diagnosis of why you are broke like the name implies. Hahahah. He gives fifteen common reasons why you are broke and how to fix it.

Let’s see some key points of note in this book. Shall we?

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Key points from the chapters

  • The first reason is that you are not hungry. Hungry huh? Who says you are not hungry when am sure you are even as you are reading this and would pounce on any available good food. Hahaha. But that’s not the hunger we are talking about here.

How hungry are you for change? How hungry are you to see your financial status change? How hungry are you to see things get better? If you are hungry enough, you will begin to take the right steps to financial freedom but Ofscourse most people are not hungry enough.

  • The second reason is that you are dabbling. Dabbling? Yes, say that again. You are dabbling into various things. Jumping from one thing to another. Trying one thing to another. You have not discovered what works for you or what you are passionate about.

Dabbling into many things will only make you a Jack of all trade and a master of non. Stop dabbling and get one thing on your mind, start working it and stay with it until it works.

  • You do not have a mentor or you have too many mentors. A man without a mentor will be tormented. You need to have someone who have succeeded in the area you are looking at and follow him.

Mentors have a way of carving a a path for you. If you have many mentors you would end up confused. Stick to one or two.

  • Another reason you are broke is that you do not value your time. Time is money. When you understand the value of time, you would make use of your time diligently in doing only things that will bring value.

The rich and the poor have one thing in common and that’s time. The rich value and invest their time while the poor waste time on frivolous things like watching movies. How much do you value your time?

  • Not having a high income skill is another reason you are broke. Get a skill, not just any kind of skill. Get a high income skill. This would require time and effort. Examples of high income skills includes digital skills like copywriting, CPA marketing, coding, robotics, data analysis and etc.

Do not have a common skill and expect to be outstanding. Brand yourself very well and become good in what you do and people will pay you for it. What skills are you acquiring today?

We could go on and on. If you need to know more on these points, dig in and do justice to this book.

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My rating of the book

I must say that this book is a no brainer. Just like the name implies. These are common things that are staring at us in the face yet they are uncommon. I enjoyed reading through it pages.

I’d give it a rating of 8/10. It’s succinct and am sure you would enjoy reading its not too many pages.


Everyone of us wants to succeed and improve our financial status. Starting with getting financial knowledge could be the right place to start from.

This book is the right place to start from and we learn from our mistakes and do better.

Thanks for coming down this lane with me. If you missed the last edition of the Green Spotlight on keys for marriage, check it out here. Edition 14

Your thoughts on this edition of the green spotlight is welcomed and hope to see you again on our subsequent editions.

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