The Green Spotlight #16; Money Management.


Hello and welcome to the sixteenth edition of The Green Spotlight. How time flies.

Over here at The Green Spotlight, we believe in reading ofcourse because readers are leaders and when we read we get insights which we see as green light and is synonymous to success.

I’ve come to know that so many people do not like to read. It’s only people who do not know the value of reading that would shy away from it. Reading wide and wild is a good source of wisdom. Read for your life.

Having established that fact, let’s go over to our book for the week. Our book of review for the week is “Money Management”.

Unto the review of the week

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Author: Emmanuel Ape
Year published: 2023
Number of chapters: 4
Number of pages: 45
Published by : Independently Published

My opinion about the book “Money Management”


Money and the subject of money is a very important subject in life. We all hustle to make money and more money we make, the more we want to make.

Knowing how to make, keep and multiply money is a very important education. Most people who are making money do not have financial education and that has cost a lot of mishap on their financial journey.

Let’s look at some points to take away from this weeks book review. Shall we?

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Key points from the chapters

  • To know about money management is simply to understand the triangular principle of wealth which includes Making money, keeping money and multiplying money.

If we all can settle the issue of money, it would go along way for us to fulfill purpose and then be able to help others too.

  • When it comes to making money, the first thing to consider is your why. Why do you want to make money? If your why is not strong enough, you will give up easily.

You need to know that money is simply an exchange for value. You cannot make money from nothing. When you have value to offer people, they would give you money in exchange.

  • When it comes to keeping money, you should know that spending money is very easy. Nobody is taught how to spend money, money is very easy to spend.

Do you know that when ever your income increases, your expenses is bound to increase to meet up your expenses. Wise people who understand money management will keep their expenses low in order to save.

Get an account book and keep track of all your expenses for a month and you would see where money has been leaving you from. You would be able to track unnecessary expenses and cut down on them.

  • On multiplying money, you must understand the subject of investment. Start by investing in yourself. Buy books and improve your financial knowledge. You must understand the subject of leveraging on opportunities and the social media for sales.

You must study the business you want to invest in and know how it works. Make your money work for you. Do not follow your friends blindly to make investments. Think of businesses that would work in your absence.

There are a lot of money management wisdom hidden in the pages of this book. I think you should check them out and you would be glad you did.

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My rating of the book

Money management is a straight to the point book that points out the basic things we should know on our journey to financial freedom. It’s worth reading.

I’d give it a rating of 8/10. I enjoyed reading it and especially the typical Nigerian way the author conveyed his thoughts.


What you do not know they say is bigger than you. Some of us are handling money but are still having issues with managing it appropriately. It’s wisdom to glean wisdom from people who have gone ahead of us in financial matters.

I would adjure you to peruse the pages of this book and see what interesting thing you can find.

Thank you for being a part of this weeks edition of The Green Spotlight. If you missed the last edition on 15 reasons why you are broke and how to fix it, check it out here. Edition 15

Your thoughts on this edition of the green spotlight is welcomed and hope to see you again on our subsequent editions.

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