This is how to use Javelin Thrower to devastating effect

Mother nature is both gentle and harsh, depending on her mood, of course. Sometimes she's the cool breeze in the middle of a hot night, and other times, she's a sexy psychotic armour piercing javelin thrower with obvious daddy issues.


Edition: Untamed
Rarity: RARE
Element: EARTH
Current Trade Value: $0.067

The Story

A large part of my decision to pick this card was because she's really sexy in a Harly Quinn, psycho girlfriend kind of way and what can I say? I'd rather have this crazy fast chick throwing her Javelin at my opponent and weakening their armour in time for the slow folks to join in the fun.

trust me, you really don't want to mess with her because she's so fast and deadly from long range, you'd most likely be dead before you even get the opportunity to lay a finger on her...if you can that is because she's super slippery.

The only obvious weakness I can pick from this Monsters is a general one that comes with Ranged monsters as a whole; She can't be used on the frontline in normal battles.

She's one of those monsters that you your sneak meelee monsters hates because it can't touch her. She'll dance around most of your attacks and almost always lands her target.

Oh, I guess in reverse matches she would be amongs the last to attack and of course have her natural speed used against her. In such a situation, she's quite durable, considering her price, mana cost and level of rarity.

The Battle

In this battle above, you get to see her at her best, as she hurts my opponent from way at the back with swift ranged projectiles. Due to her speed, she turned out to be the chief instigator of damage, despite being the last card in the lineup

Battle Rules

image.png: Only Monsters with odd mana cost

No Sneaking up on my Rear guard.

The Team


Hard hitting, straight up brawler with no special abilities in the front line, just the way I like it.

Nectar Queen

The only thing better than one hard hitter is two hard hitters. This queen might be slow but she doesn't mess around. For most cards, it usually takes two or three hits from her and it is bye-bye Felicia.

Screeching Vulture

This ugly Vulture is badass because it has that opportunity ability. It picks out vulnerabile opponents and knocks them out. Very sweet.

Goblin Chariot

I added these little rascals for two main purposes. First of all, they were to hurt the opponent with their decent ranged attacks and then in the event that things got Dicey, I wanted it to be stopgap to protect the Mushroom Seer

Mushroom Seer

Main purpose of this monster is to reduce the magic attack of my opponent.

Javelin Thrower

And there she is, right at the back of the force. She's the swiftest on the team and hits hard.


I actually won against an opponent that used Lord Arianthus, and that's a big deal to me because he's been a thorn in my side both literally and figuratively.

Speed was a key feature of this battle and I was fortunate to that respect. All my hits landed, and I managed to overwhelm my opponent with the two heavy hitters I placed in front. Also, did you see how Harly Quinn did her thing? You gotta love that psycho chick.

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