🛠️ Club Status Upgrade: Shared Wallets

Since getting the Club Status tool up and running on @o1eh's server (thanks again @o1eh 🙂), my poor little mind's been non-stop with ideas for improvements. As @bambuka pointed out in my last update, it would be useful to have input fields for username and dates which I'm sure I'll get to soon. Before that though, I'd already started working on something that I've been thinking about for a long time.

It might be a little controversial but I did it anyway 😆


Before getting into the detail though, I need to get a few things off my chest... I had this code working on my localhost a few days ago (life's a blur - it might have been Thursday, it might not have been, so the vagueness of "a few" suits nicely) but when I uploaded it to the live server, it wouldn't work for some accounts - simply getting a "500 Error".


I turned on all error reporting - finding no issues and Google appeared to be helpful - maybe it's a memory issue.

So I painstakingly went through my code - variable initiated, variable set, variable used (and crucially) variable destroyed. But still no joy. The crash persisted. I checked error logs... all clear. I deleted sections of code, establishing that it might not like some of my nested loops... but my localhost likes it (hence the memory idea).

I went through the server settings, adjusting them to increase memory... whatever might work...

But still no joy...

I checked error logs... all clear.

And then I saw it...

Error logging was turned off.


Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: sizeof(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given in...

I've done well not to swear haven't I?


3 lines of code later, it's working.


So after my not-so-little aside, this is what I've included...

Underneath all of the usual wallet stuff that was there before, I've analysed wallet transfers (since the user joined the platform) and looked at which other users have also used that wallet. (For the time being, exchange to wallet transfers haven't been included.) I've always found this useful when researching scammers although the usual caveat applies -

Please ensure that your brain is functioning before using this...

As scammers are now generally aware of this method of investigation and go via another wallet (e.g. roqqulovesteem). Which in some ways, makes this addition pointless but it was quite interesting nonetheless.

Using my wallet as an example...


You can see that I use my deepcrypto8 (Binance - now bdhivesteem) as my primary withdrawal method which I've also transferred into from a few of my other accounts. Similarly with my SBD going into Bittrex which is predominantly an account that I used for trading.

Hovering over a section will highlight the transaction volume and hovering over a coloured block on either side will highlight the users / wallet pairings.


There are still issues with some accounts so please let me know if you encounter one that doesn't work.

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