It's been a very "bitty" week as far as coding's gone. I had some very useful feedback to my last update which prompted me to fix and change a few bits. I also updated all of the language files so that the navigation is available in all of the options listed in the top menu bar (English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish and Russian). I now need to find some appropriate people to check if the translations are good so if you're somebody who can help, please take a look below and say if it looks good!
With the extra pairs of eyes, I'm feeling good about how well things are working so I'm now in the process of reviewing every change that I've made so that I can write a post (or series of posts) that can be used in the future to understand my changes (what they are and why they were made). I can then reference this post (or posts) within the code and remove the inline comments that I've currently included.
This will also give the opportunity for the more code-savvy amongst you to do a bit of a code review.
I can then move on to other changes... and I invite you to suggest what section / area to focus on next.