Steem for better health program #3: Natural Induction of Labour


Welcome to steem for better health program this week edition. I believe you all are taking care of your health, is good to know you are doing so.

This week program I'll be talking about natural way of labour induction.

What is induction of labour

It is a procedure where by a gynaecologists or midwife uses different methods to help you get into labour. It is always done based medical reasons or if one is 2 weeks past her due date.

Therefore so many pregnant women at 38 weeks they are already tired of the pregnancy because of the weight of the baby and their extra weight and are such they always which to give birth naturally and faster. So with this one need to work on the natural way of inducing oneself so that she can be able to put to birth safely and quickly. Find out if it is wrong to do so

Warning on natural induction
  • Ask your doctor first before inducing yourself

  • Start induction when you are fully term

Natural induction of labour

In this program we will discuss the natural way of induction. There are several medical methods and procedures but we won't discuss that here, that is the reason you should go to hospital when you have passed your due date without putting to birth.

The natural way most times if it is done correctly, you may likely go into labor early. Let's see what is included in this method.

Exercising; is very effective to do exercise while you are pregnant but still you need to find out from your doctor if your health permit to do so.

You can take a walk comfortably at your pace, this helps to relief you of stress and prepared your mind on what lies ahead. It also helps you relax and strengthens the pelvic muscles.

Frequent walking may descends the baby causing the weight of the baby to applies pressure to the cervix and when the regular movement of the baby's head is on the cervix, it can stimulate oxytocin hormone which is responsible for contraction so this may encourage dilation.

Another effective method I want to talk about in this talk is

Nipple stimulation; it helps the release of hormones called oxytocin which helps in contractions, this is done by you or your partner.

Once this hormones is released, you may likely go into labor if really you were advised by your doctor to go ahead with it.

Therefore do not have the mindset of being tired of the pregnancy to induce yourself, it should only be based on your doctor's recommendation due to your health challenges.

Is there anything to drink to fasten the induction?

My answer is NO allow yourself to naturally undergo the process itself. You may end up drinking something that will affect your baby thus, causing harm to your baby's health. So with this you do not drink anything that is not recommended by your gynaecologists while in labor.

I will like us to share this information and safe a pregnant woman anywhere. Let's stop here for today, see you next week.

Meanwhile I'm open for any question at the comment section and also feel free to go through my previous health post here

Read the preview health program introduction, #1, 2



Please note that my internet network fluctuated as at the point I wanted to to do power up and I mistakenly transferred steem to savings instead of power up and that has taken me out of club. Therefore, I've authorised a withdrawal and once it drops, I will power up.


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