12-03-2023 - ranking of social based on blockchain [EN]-[IT]


Ranking information taken from: https://dappradar.com/rankings/category/social

~~~ La versione in italiano inizia subito dopo la versione in inglese ~~~

Ranking for the latest survey conducted
On 17-12-2022 Dapp Radar provided the following data regarding blockchain-based social networks.
The ranking of the most popular apps in the last 24 hours (data taken on the date above):
01-Hooked (BNB blockchain)
02-Galxe (different blockchain)
03-CyberConnect (BNB blockchain, Ethereum, Polygon)
04-Lens Protocol (Polygon blockchain)
05-PeakD (HIVE blockchain)

Below is the ranking of the most popular apps in the last 7 days (data taken on the date above):
01-Hooked (BNB blockchain)
02-Galxe (diverse blockchain)
03-KlimaDao (Polygon blockchain)
04-CyberConnect (BNB blockchain, Ethereum, Polygon)
05-Lens Protocol (Polygon blockchain)

Below is the ranking of the most popular apps in the last 30 days (data taken on the date above):
01-Hooked (BNB blockchain)
02-Galxe (Polygon blockchain, BNB chain, Ethereum Avalanche, Arbitrum, Fantom, Moonbeam, Iotex, Optimism)
03-KlimaDao (Polygon blockchain)
04-Lens Protocol (blockchain Polygon)
05-CyberConnect (BNB blockchain, Ethereum, Polygon)
06-Steemit (STEEM blockchain)
07-PeakD (HIVE blockchain)
08-Decentraland (ETH blockchain, Polygon)
09-Ecency (HIVE blockchain)
10-SOMESING (blockchain Klaytn)
14-APPICS (blokchain Telos)
15-Liketu (blokchain HIVE)
21-HUDDLN (Polygon blockchain)

Today's ranking 12-03-2023
Now let's take a look at the rankings with today's updated data (data taken on the date above):
Below are the rankings of the most popular apps in the last 24 hours:
01-Hooked (BNB blockchain)
02-CyberConnect (BNB blockchain, Ethereum, Polygon)
03-Galxe (different blockchain)
04-Yuliverse (BNB blockchain Chain)
05-Phi (Polygon blockchain)

Below is the ranking of the most popular apps in the last 7 days (data taken on the date above):
01-Hooked (BNB blockchain)
02-CyberConnect (BNB blockchain, Ethereum, Polygon)
03-Galxe (different blockchain)
04-Lens Protocol (Polygon blockchain)
05-Phi (Polygon blockchain)

Below is the ranking of the most popular apps in the last 30 days (data taken on the date above):
01-CyberConnect (BNB blockchain, Ethereum, Polygon)
02-Galxe (Polygon blockchain, BNB chain, Ethereum Avalanche, Arbitrum, Fantom, Moonbeam, Iotex, Optimism)
03-Hooked (BNB blockchain)
04-Lens Protocol (Polygon blockchain)
05-Phi (blockchain Polygon)
06-Lunrcrush (Zilliqa blockchain)
07-KlimaDao (blockchain Polygon)
08-Steemit (STEEM blockchain)
09-PeakD (HIVE blockchain)
10-Yuliverse (BNB Chain blockchain)
11-Ecency (HIVE blockchain)
18-Hive Blog (HIVE blockchain)
19-Liketu (HIVE blockchain)
20-APPICS (Telos blokchain)
27-HUDDLN (Polygon blockchain)

Almost three months have passed since I last looked at these rankings. Hooked is still in first place in both the 24-hour and 7-day rankings, but it loses one position in the 30-day rankings, putting it in second place. Let's look at CyberConnect instead, in the 7-day ranking it moves from fourth place to second place, while in the 30-day ranking it moves from fifth place to first place. Let us now check the position of Steemit. In the 30-day ranking it slips from sixth to eighth place. One consideration I would like to make is between APPICS and LIKETU, two socials which, in my opinion, can be considered the Instagrams of the blokchain. Three months ago APPICS was ahead of LIKETU, APPICS was in fourteenth place and LIKETU in fifteenth. Both apps slide down the rankings, but now LIKETU has overtaken APPICS. LIKETU is in nineteenth place and APPICS in twentieth.

According to Dapp Radar, a DAPP activity monitoring site, the most popular social network in the last 30 days is CyberConnect. This social network seems to be connected to three chains: BNB Chain, Ethereum, Polygon. I have never tried this social network and have seen previews. Steemit unfortunately keeps losing positions in the 30-day ranking. Months ago it was in the top 5, then it dropped to 6th position and now it is in 8th position.

I have never heard of the social platform CyberConnect, have you?

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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La classifica relativa all’ultima indagine svolta
Il 17-12-2022 Dapp Radar forniva i seguenti dati a riguardo dei social network basati su blockchain.
La classifica delle app più popolari nelle ultime 24 ore (dati rilevati nella data riportata sopra):
01-Hooked (blockchain BNB)
02-Galxe (blockchain diverse)
03-CyberConnect (blockchain BNB, Ethereum, Polygon)
04-Lens Protocol (blockchain Polygon)
05-PeakD (blockchain HIVE)

Qui di seguito la classifica delle app più popolari negli ultimi 7 giorni (dati rilevati nella data riportata sopra):
01-Hooked (blockchain BNB)
02-Galxe (blockchain diverse)
03-KlimaDao (blockchain Polygon)
04-CyberConnect (blockchain BNB, Ethereum, Polygon)
05-Lens Protocol (blockchain Polygon)

Qui di seguito la classifica delle app più popolari negli ultimi 30 giorni (dati rilevati nella data riportata sopra):
01-Hooked (blockchain BNB)
02-Galxe (blockchain Polygon, BNB chain, Ethereum Avalanche, Arbitrum, Fantom, Moonbeam, Iotex, Optimism)
03-KlimaDao (blockchain Polygon)
04-Lens Protocol (blockchain Polygon)
05-CyberConnect (blockchain BNB, Ethereum, Polygon)
06-Steemit (blockchain STEEM)
07-PeakD (blockchain HIVE)
08-Decentraland (blockchain ETH, Polygon)
09-Ecency (blockchain HIVE)
10-SOMESING (blockchain Klaytn)

14-APPICS (blokchain Telos)
15-Liketu (blokchain HIVE)

21-HUDDLN (blockchain Polygon)

La classifica di oggi 12-03-2023
Ora andiamo a vedere le classifiche con i dati aggiornati ad oggi (dati rilevati nella data riportata sopra):
Qui di seguito la classifica delle app più popolari nelle ultime 24 ore:
01-Hooked (blockchain BNB)
02-CyberConnect (blockchain BNB, Ethereum, Polygon)
03-Galxe (blockchain diverse)
04-Yuliverse (blockchain BNB Chain)
05-Phi (blockchain Polygon)

Qui di seguito la classifica delle app più popolari negli ultimi 7 giorni (dati rilevati nella data riportata sopra):
01-Hooked (blockchain BNB)
02-CyberConnect (blockchain BNB, Ethereum, Polygon)
03-Galxe (blockchain diverse)
04-Lens Protocol (blockchain Polygon)
05-Phi (blockchain Polygon)

Qui di seguito la classifica delle app più popolari negli ultimi 30 giorni (dati rilevati nella data riportata sopra):
01-CyberConnect (blockchain BNB, Ethereum, Polygon)
02-Galxe (blockchain Polygon, BNB chain, Ethereum Avalanche, Arbitrum, Fantom, Moonbeam, Iotex, Optimism)
03-Hooked (blockchain BNB)
04-Lens Protocol (blockchain Polygon)
05-Phi (blockchain Polygon)
06-Lunrcrush (blockchain Zilliqa)
07-KlimaDao (blockchain Polygon)
08-Steemit (blockchain STEEM)
09-PeakD (blockchain HIVE)
10-Yuliverse (blockchain BNB Chain)

11-Ecency (blockchain HIVE)

18-Hive Blog (Blockchain HIVE)
19-Liketu (blokchain HIVE)
20-APPICS (blokchain Telos)

27-HUDDLN (blockchain Polygon)

Dall’ultima volta che ho visionato queste classifiche sono passati quasi 3 mesi. Hooked lo troviamo sempre in prima posizione sia nella classifica a 24 h che a 7 giorni, ma perde una posizione nella classifica a 30 giorni piazzandosi così al secondo posto. Andiamo invece ad analizzare CyberConnect, nella classifica a 7 giorni passa dal quarto posto al secondo posto, mentre nella classifica a 30 giorni passa dal quinto posto al primo posto. Andiamo ora a verificare la posizione di Steemit. Nella classifica a 30 giorni scivola dal sesto posto all’ottavo posto. Una considerazione la vorrei fare tra APPICS e LIKETU, due social che, secondo me, possono essere ritenuti gli Instagram della blokchain. Tre mesi fa APPICS era davanti a LIKETU, APPICS era al quattordicesimo posto, mentre LIKETU al quindicesimo. Entrambe le applicazioni scivolano giù in classifica, ma ora LIKETU ha superato APPICS. LIKETU si trova al diciannovesimo posto e APPICS al ventesimo.

Secondo Dapp Radar, sito di monitoraggio sulle attività delle DAPP, il social network più popolare degli ultimi 30 giorni è CyberConnect. Social Network che sembra collegato a tre chain: BNB Chain, Ethereum, Polygon. Non ho mai provato questo social network e ho mai visto delle anteprime. Steemit purtroppo continua a perdere posizioni nella classifica a 30 giorni. Mesi fa era nella top 5, poi è uscito scivolando nella sesta posizione ed ora si trova in ottava posizione.

Io non ho mai sentito parlare della piattaforma social CyberConnect, e voi?

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