The history of music artists; The case of Richard Wagner!


Richard Wagner was a composer that Adolf Hitler liked, and living with Hitler that was really awful, and nobody of us is wanting the reality from the Second World War back in time. And Richard Wagner was a German composer, theatre director, polemicist, and conductor, and hence he had different roles in the life, and these roles were really stable and dynamic and they were different ways of being.

Richard Wagner was also dwelling with operas, and hence the compositions and the different doings in life, is related to what we are doing, and why we are doing as we are doing, and listening to operas is just to use your ears and seeing with your eyes, and every normal human on the earth can do these things, and we are here to be friends and to appreciate each other. So, how was the life of Richard Wagner? Well, until his final years, Wagner's life was characterised by political exile, turbulent love affairs, poverty and repeated flight from his creditors. And hence, there was not too much money everywhere to any times, and we are here to earn money and doing financing of the life just as we want the life when we are using our times, and our efforts to get what we want in the life.

Richard Wagner was born on 22 May 1813 in Leipzig in Germany, and he died on 13 February 1883 in Venice in Italy. And we can hear and admire the different music of Richard Wagner, and we can listen to it on different and ordinary music platforms as YouTube, YouTube Music, Spotify, Deezer and Apple Music, and we can listen to what we want of him, and we can make our images and imaginations just as we want, and as humans we are brand images with our personality and the psychology and social psychology of what we are perceiving, and what we are doing are either doing as we are doing, or we are forgetting what is happening, and we should work as good as we can when working and everyone in the business life can be better and more wise and more intelligent in the moves while we are using our heads, our cognitions, our emotions, and our statements about what is really the life, and that life is to perceive and to be perceived, and that is just the life, since we are coming, being and leaving as humans, and since humans are coming from the human nature in the nature of the different states and kinds we are finding of human behavior, and that we are coming from the human nature before us when being in the life, and the philosopher Rousseau also thought that humans should be understood on what they have ever done, and how we can be even better and more serious and more funny when being humans in the present and in the future, and everything in the life is about planning, implementation and follow-up.

Richard Wagner was known for his quality in music, and he was revolutionary, and he tried to combine all the aspects in the life by making music drama, and the using of different aspects he used in the music was with the genres of all kinds of arts in the sciences, both in the individual manners and in the social manners, and taking the ideas from something to new areas and to make new kinds of music, that is really innovation, and we are using our creativity and our analysis in the life, and we should support many things in the life, and we should try to develop things even stronger and better, and we should do the things when we are there in the life. And you know, finding and exploring your style and your profile, that are the ways that we are understood in life, and we are forming the present and the future with what we are doing and not doing in relation to all variants with all conceivable things, and we are making choices in life in relation to the freedom and the diversity that are there, and sometimes we have the solutions in life, and sometimes we do not know what is happening, and in research and in reality, we do not know properly what is happening in the present and in the future, and we can just plan the present and the future, to do things even more sensible and clever and wise with what is happening, and all things that are happening in business life, in public organizations, and in research are just some conceivable elements of all things that are in the universe and at the earth, and hence we must make choices, and we are forces not to do everything that is happening here. And therefore, we should just use our talents and knowledges about how we are allowed to operate, to work and to live in the life.

Ride of the Valkyries and Der Fliegende Holländer are probably the most famous and the most known music pieces of Richard Wagner, and you know we are thinking and feeling the literature and the sciences to every seconds in the life, and what we are creating among the humans are related to our knowledges, our talents, our creativity and our efforts of what we are able and capable of doing.

And again some music as it was asked to be included! 😃

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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