Greetings to all participants and fans! The second stage of the competition was held with a smaller number of participants, unlike the first, but this did not upset us much, because the main thing is that the track is not empty, and there was movement along it and the competition was provided with interesting photo reports from all points of view.
This is how the contest entries feed looks at this stage in the technical account @highway111, where all posts related to the course of the contest are saved.
The list of participants of the first stage and their competitive photo reports in the order of receipt of applications:
Today it is easy for me to divide the announced prize fund by the number of winners, because all participants are nominated for the main prizes.
The first place
is taken by a photo report from a participant @xaviduran, who created a non-standard and beautiful account of his sea voyage.
The winner is rewarded with 2 STEEM
The second place
is taken by a photo report from a participant @echooo, who accompanied his beautiful photo essay with interesting thoughts. It was funny to read all this chatter, as if you were sitting next to the author in the car and listening :)
The winner is rewarded with 1 STEEM
The third place
is taken by a photo report from the participant @may2015 and @bambuka, thanks to which we saw both views of the big city from the roadway, and an intercity highway with many interesting objects on the way.
The winner is rewarded with 0.5 STEEM
All three winners will receive additional awards for any of their posts with an open payout window from the respected sponsor of the contest: @xpilar
1st prize 25%
2nd prize 20%
3rd prize 15%
In order for the winners to receive this support from @xpilar, they should post links here to any of their posts with an open payout window in the comments of the first level, with a mention of the nickname: @xpilar
Congratulations to everyone on passing the second stage and receiving awards!
My thanks to all the curators for supporting the contest!
The announcement of the third stage will be released tomorrow
All competitive publications are stored in the account @highway111