🥕🌽🥔 Home Grown Dinner

Having written about the life of Carrot Man a few days ago, today, I went foraging in the garden for something to go with some sausages we had in our fridge and this is what I harvested...


I'd already chopped up one carrot for the-toddler-gorilla so it was slightly better than what I've shared but it's so satisfying knowing that all of this was grown from seeds that I planted in my garden. I feel very proud.

I didn't do anything very exciting with them - the carrots and sweetcorn got prepared and then boiled and the potatoes got boiled and then mashed with a little milk and plenty of butter. The raspberries have been frozen for the-toddler-gorilla to eat on another day.

The outcome, although simple, was rather satisfying and to eat a meal that was almost entirely home grown is something that I'm rather proud of. I think I've already mentioned the proud bit 😊

I'm not one to mess about with presentation

the-toddler-gorilla enjoyed it too... until he got over tired and started mashing the mashed potato into the table cloth (which I didn't take a photo of). He was in bed shortly after.

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