🎥 My Most Watched Movie

There are few better ways to end a day than to settle down in front of the TV with a good movie. Whether you like an all-action thriller, a hide-behind-the-sofa horror or a sickening Rom Com, if you can spare a couple of hours, you can easily forget everything that's on in your mind and escape.

Your tastes might change as you get older and with it, the go-to DVD that you can watch over and over again. As a child growing up, my sister would watch Bedknobs and Broomsticks pretty much on repeat. My teenage years were dominated by True Lies to the point at which the last time I saw it on TV (rather than on VHS or DVD), I fumed at the deleted scene where Arnie imagines himself smashing the Used Car Salesman's head in. (In finding the IMDB link, there appears to be a True Lies TV Series... I wonder if that's based on the movie 🤔... oh it is... good, good... 5.2/10... oh.)

And onto now... I've watched so many movies in my life and it'd be great to be able to say that The Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather or The Dark Knight is my most watched. But it's not any of these, it's...

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...Paw Patrol: The Movie

As I mentioned in a previous post...

Banishing the idea that I'd be Free ever again... ...And perhaps most importantly, free to watch whatever I want on TV (which has reminded me of another post I wanted to write).

This is "that post".

Paw Patrol being a kids favourite... only The Gruffalo gets more TV time but at just 27 minutes long, it can't be classified as a movie.

So do I share a movie review with you? I know it so well that I could explain the entire storyline and could probably quote plenty of lines to you, especially the "Here you go, boss" each time Mayor Humdinger's hat has an accident.

Ok, I'll prove it... but I'll keep it brief.

The opening scene is a large tanker passing through adventure bay. The driver spills his drink and looks up to see a baby turtle in the road. Not wanting to crush the poor little thing, he swerves to avoid it, losing control of his lorry and going through the side barriers on a bridge, hanging precariously. Luckily for him, Captain Turbot sees him and calls the Paw Patrol...

CT: "You're in Adventure Bay, around here, we call the Paw Patrol."
LD: "The Who?"

Cue theme tune.

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Ah, I added the word "around" so maybe I don't know it that well after all.

Is it a good movie? With a rating of 6.1/10, IMDB doesn't seem to think so but the written reviews are fairly positive, the most recent one reading...


Love this movie

codyhichman11 February 2023

I am 21 years old and I love this movie!! This movie was very inspiring. The characters were so funny. The message for the movie was awesome. The movie was so enjoyable!!!! When Ryder told Chase that he took him in not because he felt sorry for him, but because he saw a brave and courageous puppy when he looked into the eyes of a scared puppy, that was my favorite part. When Ryder needed help and there was nobody to help him, Chase stepped out in bravery. When we have a rough past that caused us to have fear, God doesn't see us as just fearful, he sees us as a fearless and brave. This movie may not be a Christian movie but it has elements in it that glorifies God.

So Cody's a fan. And whilst I don't quite share the same level of enthusiasm as Cody, it's a perfectly harmless and enjoyable movie. At just shy of an hour and a half, it's normally an hour and a half of peace and quiet in our house which definitely earns it an extra star.


I'd love to hear what your most watched movies are and if it's cooler than Paw Patrol!

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