Sustainable Community Illegally Feeds the Homeless

We’ve got a problem with values in this country. 

In the United States--the world's richest country and "leader of the free world"--there are over 600,000 homeless people. More than 3,000 of them are in Dallas, Texas, and many are living under an overpass in an area called “Tent City”.  


In this metroplex and other places, the government restricts how the average citizen can reach out to serve their fellow man, requiring a slew of stipulations be met, including permits and licenses (i.e., taxes) to feed a group of homeless people.


Do you understand these implications? It is illegal to hand hungry people sandwiches, unless you jump through hoops and pay lots of money.  

We find this dishonorable (taxation is theft!). As we do not and will not bend to fit into systems that oppose our values and as we find it ludicrous to follow arbitrary rules and regulations that limit one’s inherent rights, we DO something about it.


We regularly harvest, prepare, deliver, serve, and clean up hundreds and hundreds of free meals to people in these impoverished areas and elsewhere, because it is our duty to share our overabundance with ALL. We do not and will not reduce ourselves to asking permission to show compassion!

We know from experience that anything is possible, and there’s more than enough of everything--it’s seriously simple when you’re committed to living the solution.

When an act of compassion becomes one of civil disobedience, the Eden Knights will be there! Even a small group of people can make a powerful impact when they work together towards a meaningful goal.

For the cost of a single fighter jet, the government could feed, clothe, and house homeless people for an entire year, but instead your tax dollars go towards death and destruction. Is this the kind of world you want to live in? You can do something about it; every single day, choose to live by your values. A BETTER WAY IS POSSIBLE!

We see the potential Steemit has for realigning with values. Check out Quinn's article (@quinneaker): Why Steemit is so important and even REVOLUTIONARY!

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