Many beekeepers online have told me
So, What is there to do with the old comb?
I looked around on the interwebz to see if I could come up wth a solution. One site told a story about how a beekeeper was using it in the smoker as a fuel. I believe he was mixing it with wood chips and dried grasses.
Today I tried to use some old comb today in the smoker.
The results?
If my memory serves me well (sometimes it does not) that article (I couldn't find it for reference) claimed that the burning comb simulated a hive on fire and put the bees to work faster protecting their hive. I don't know if that part is true, but it make some sense I guess.
Today's little test seemed like a winner to me. I get to use this old dark comb as a resource to make my beekeeping easier. Otherwise it would have just ended up in the trash.
Do you burn old comb? Do you have another use for it?
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