Metal Roof Installation - Horse Barn Progress

Father's Day Weekend I was Bakin' Like a Toasted Cheeser! Installing that metal roof wasn't difficult, but it shhuurre was toasty! LOL

On Saturday it was about 100 degrees, but there was a decent breeze. It was tolerable. This is the day I put all the 1x4s on. This left me ready to start with the metal roof installation on Sunday. It would have been nice to get started at 6:30am when it was still nice and cool, but I like to take my family to church so it had to wait. By the time I got all the family stuff out of the way it was 1pm. NICE AND BRIGHT!

I garbed up with a long sleeve shirt, sun glasses and a broad rimmed hat. I figured I was covered, but I forgot about the sun that is reflecting off the roof. My face still got a bit red.

With time constraints (I had to go visit my dad in the evening for Father's Day) and the heat I was only able to get 9 out of 18 sheets installed. Hopefully this week in the evenings I'll be able to get the remainder on and the barn will be "dryed in".

Thank you for sharing this time with me!

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