My Homesteading Reality - Praying for a better view!

Today, here on Steemit, I'd love to be sharing some homesteading stories, tips, tricks maybe even some how-to's. I normally like to share homesteading information as I progress in my journey. So, that means you're getting near real time experience on my farm. When I'm building a horse barn you get to see a horse barn. When I'm gardening, you get to garden right along with me.

Unfortunately today, the Homestead is not my reality. My reality is sitting with my son in the hospital. Luke, my son with special needs, Is again in the hospital for the 2nd time with double Pneumonia. Last January we dealt with this same thing. Yesterday's post describes some of that a little better.


Today I'm just documenting that we're in the hospital getting routine antibiotic pneumonia treatment. Last night, Luke's mom and I spent the night in the room with him. Wow, that was very uncomfortable! A friend of ours and her kids were very gracious and kind to go to our house to be with our 17 and 14 year old. This morning we got a text thanking us for the party at our house. Lol.

Here's our view from the 5th floor of the University hospital on this dreary winters day in San Antonio, Texas.


Tomorrow, I'm hoping and praying for a better view. A view of our own farm with Luke and I talking about feeding chickens!

Thank you for being a supportive community!

Thank you for sharing this time with me!

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