I Gots Me A Green Eggy! - ColorChallenge: ThursdayGreen

So, every day, I spend a lot of time excitedly waiting for my chickens to lay their daily eggs! I end up sitting on the back deck, and just enjoying the back yard, property, sunshine, and even more. It's getting me outside more, for sure. However, it probably bugs the crap out of them, but I love it! I hope it doesn't get old!

I guess if it does ever get old, I will just have to get some more chickens that lay even different colored eggs. Ha.

Today I really appreciated one of my Easter Egger's green eggs! I actually didn't really think I'd be getting green eggs from them! I thought they'd be blue, even though, I had read that the color of their legs can indicate what color Egg they lay (indicative of Easter Eggers from what I understand).... but you can only take stuff like that with a grain of salt. Now I do wish that I had a picture of their green legs!

There's just something so spectacular about this green egg I got today. I can't even give it words on how much these little eggs give me joy!

I am really happy that I am getting green eggs! I was really wanting some Olive Egger chickens. I ended up not getting them this year, but they were still on my wish list for maybe next year. But, here I get these light olive green eggs, and they're just wonderful. Such a pleasant surprise!

In other news, today is husband's birthday. Some things didn't go as planned but we did go to a new Mexican Restaurant to get some food to go. The experience at the place was really awesome. The gal who took our order was hilarious, I really enjoyed her. Haha, I think I will go back just for more interaction with her! Haha. I just had the traditional-type tacos, and I think because it was the end of the evening, they were... less than optimal, but I am willing to give them another go!

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Blog Series

  • Nature on the Farmstead - These posts will be educational and informative about the nature that happens on my farmstead. Look forward to posts about wild animals, birds, wildflowers and plants, insects, and more!

As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!


Ugh, you guys, I think I am allergic to a candy... Maybe. I have narrowed it down (or what I am hoping it is??) to either this candy I have been gorging OR changing my make up color to a darker shade (it's sunny here - I tan quick! lol). So, I don't even know. The candy is basically gone, so, there's that. But, the make up... It's heartbreaking! I don't want to have to find a different brand. Really frustrating. But I have been feeling the urge to find an organic or at least a more natural make up... I don't know. Ugh. My face is SO ITCHY. And kind of puffy today. :(

Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!

Badges by @daddykirbs and @allforthegood!

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