

I am going to do my best that every Friday I share with you a handful of Steemians that have inspired me during the week. So because I am "stealing" the idea from @bitcoin-dood. We want to make it a thing, so, get yourself up a post, title and tag it #followfriday. Let's share with each other some really great people that deserve to be seen. Sometimes I might share duplicate Steemians over the weeks since this is really about sharing who has inspired me during the week. Sometimes I feel like their latest work really needs to be seen.

Check out these inspiring Steemians!


@stortebeker and I somehow developed a real quick connection and I feel that we are friends. I really love his posts and a recent one of his Why I am a Homesteader really shows us that you DO NOT have to have land in order to homestead, heck, you don't even have to have a balcony. @stortebeker is a real knowledgable guy about many things, but not too long ago, he made a fun "quiz/contest" post about identifying evergreen trees! Sadly, the post is no longer active, but!! Man, it was hard and no one got them all right! Can you believe it? But it was so much fun and I learned from the post! You can be sure to follow him for more fun learning like that!


@Whatisnew is basically my bestest follower and favorite Steemit friend! She's always there to comment on my blogs and give me a big ol' belly laugh. I find her to be absolutely hilarious. I bet that if she and I were able to be together in person, we would cause way too much trouble! I love the way she blogs, she breaks up her long stories into bite sized snippits always making me waiting for the next one! Unfortunately too late for upvotes, but my favorite story from her has to be be about her Cat with Three Names.


If you don't already follow @teotwawkiman and are a prepper, you're severely missing out on some really special and practical insights that are especially afforded to our United States Marine Core. @teotwawkiman is down to earth, and a totally cool dude. Check out his great video on Communication with Your Partner when shit hits the fan! He will give you amazing prepper insights from a great point of view!

That's it for today! Go show these Steemies some love!

Check out the last week's #followfriday!

Check out my most recent Steemit Posts.

Blog Series

  • Nature on the Farmstead - These posts will be educational and informative about the nature that happens on my farmstead. Look forward to posts about wild animals, birds, wildflowers and plants, insects, and more!

As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!


Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!

Badges by @daddykirbs and @allforthegood!

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