What's Up with Farmstead?

Hey everyone! It's been a while, and I hope you all are doing well! I've been missing Steemit and my regular activities.

Man, it's been hard trying to get back into the swing of things since our friends left on Saturday. Whenever I get a big interruption in my routine, it's always a real struggle for me to get back into my routine. It is hard to explain but, it is something I fight with all the time. Maybe it's due to my depression among other things. I have been missing it here, but I also hadn't the urge to write. I haven't even been very active in my SteemitHomesteader's Chat Group. :( Sorry guys.

Kind of a let down for you all, I apologize for that! Especially since reaching my 500 Followers AND 500 Steem Power goals! I'll be upfront with you and say that I am not back into routine, but I need to write, to get back into it, somehow!

This weekend is the Solar Eclipse and I live in Madras, Oregon where there are 3 festivals happening here, and many more in Central Oregon. Traffic is backed up, there's travelers everywhere, stores have some empty shelves, gas stations are running out of fuel, and many more crazy things are happening. All of which we predicted as a community.

Husband and I have been working on stocking up on food, fuel, water, animal feed, and more in preparations for these inconveniences due to the million people estimated to visit Oregon, and the 200,000+ people estimated to visit and more to travel through Central Oregon specifically for the eclipse.

I cannot wait for this to be over! Ha. It's not something Central Oregonians have been looking forward to, poor Prineville has been backed up for days now already due to a large week-long music festival happening about 30 miles out. One road in, one road out.

We did end up traveling out into town today due to Husband's work summer party, and thank goodness there was a lull in craziness for us! Traffic wasn't bad (there was more than usual, but it was flowing), we stopped in WalMart real quick and it wasn't even busy in there. We got lucky with that.

However, now I am hunkering down, I am not planning to leave the house until next week. Haha.

farmsteadSmith update

Farmstead Update

Now that's out of the way, what else has been going on?! Well, not a whole lot really! It's been kind of a down-time here around the farmstead, no real projects, it's been terribly hot, and life's just been kind of crazy inconvenient.


farmsteadsmith chickens

I had to grab this pic tonight because the rooster, Crossbeak, has Lady under his wing. I think it's so cute when the chickens "hug" each other like this. Haha.

Chicken egg production seems to be on the low side. I believe I've had as many as 6 or 8 in one day and lately, I've been getting 3-5, today only 4. Boo. Well the youngest bunch, the blue langshans, will be 20 weeks by August 29th, so hopefully everything should pick up by then. The second youngest bunch, the Salmon Faverolles, turned 20 weeks this week. I hope to be rollin' in eggs! I plan hope to sell them at least!

farmsteadsmith Chicken eggs


The geese and ducks (gucks) are only 13 weeks this week. Oh my gosh, it feels like the slowest thing, them getting to mature age. I am thankful the geese are still really friendly. I cannot believe I still have like, 10 weeks to go before I might get an egg. I doubt it will happen this year. Haha.


Quail are doing well. I did have to separate one of the males because he was getting pecked, and the back of his head was all scabbed up. Poor thing. His head feathers are starting to grow back now, and he's pretty spunky!

Quail Eggs

Well 7 out of 8 eggs in the incubator seem to be good! They should hatch any time now! Tomorrow is "the day" but sometimes they can take a little longer. I will leave them in there until Monday or Tuesday if they don't hatch tomorrow. Hopefully they hatch, but, I half way expect them not to. I've started collecting eggs for another incubation session. The female has been laying pretty well!


farmsteadsmith garden
Some things are growing!! I've gotten a few cherry tomatoes! Something finally got to one of my ripening tomatoes. More tomatoes are growing. A plant that I thought was an english cucumbers (got for free from a garden buddy) looks more like a mini pumpkin plant. But each squash plant has something developing! Please cross your fingers for me that stuff keeps growing. And take a silent moment for the third plant in the last picture... I believe something ate the roots of it as it just totally wilted and died one day. Stupid critters...

BUT, some things are growing. Next year will be better.


Been finding some pretty cool bugs and stuff lately! Of course, I've taken pictures, with you all in mind!

farmsteadsmith bug
I have no idea what this is. I believe it's a nymph of some kind, but I don't know what, haven't had the time to look it up - really just wanted to share it with you! I love this little guy. Found it on one of the flowers of my chocolate mint plant.

And some bumblebees! They LOVE the echinacea! Gonna leave this at it's full size! Hehe.
farmstead Smith bumblebee echinacea

There's so many wildfires happening around here. And with the huge influx of visitors to the area, I am real worried about more happening. I hope it doesn't, but it's definitely something I've really been nervous about.

But, sadly (upside?), the smoke makes gorgeous sunsets.
farmsteadsmith sunset

As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!

No pic today. I don't know if I am going to keep up with that. Maybe, maybe not... are you heartbroken? Sorry.
Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!

Badges by @daddykirbs and @allforthegood!

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