Accidentally Growing Avocados - Expanding my Scrap Garden Unexpectedly (+ Mulberry Cutting Update)

Growing an avocado from a seed has been a touchy subject for me because I’ve attempted to grow dozens over the years. I’ve religiously followed the tips and tricks revealed by gardeners online by poking the seed with three toothpicks and placing it in a bowl of water. Every single time it failed to sprout. Finally it got to the point where I was so frustrated, I simply tossed the next avocado pit into our compost pile.

Apparently that’s all I needed to do to convince the pit to sprout! I’m almost mad at how easy it was! As I turned the compost (much later), I saw a large pit roll down the mound of rotting fruits and dried grasses. When I picked it up to chuck it back, I saw a two inch long root reaching out to the nutritious compost. I flipped shit to be honest! I was so excited that I forgot to take a picture before I planted the little fellow in a pot if compost! There he lies sleeping under the soil and just waiting for the right moment to peak his leaves out to the sun! Cross fingers!

I’m so excited that my scrap garden is growing both in number of plants and physical plant growth. Take a look at my celery which I transplanted into a larger pot - he grew another 2 inches for a total of approx. 4 inches!

And while I checked on my scrap garden, I took a closer look at the mulberry cuttings I received from @papa-papper… do you see what I see?!

That’s right! A small speck of new, pale green growth! ALL FIVE cuttings are now showing signs of life! I’m so excited to see them grow and thrive - thank you again @papa-pepper!

Follow along if you’d like to see the future growth and progress of my scrap garden!

Follow @kiaraantonoviche

First photo taken from Pexels and used under the CC0 license. All additional photos taken by @kiaraantonoviche and may be shared / reposted with proper accreditation. Footer badges created by @daddykirbs and @allforthegood.

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