Happenings at the Homestead - Planting Mulberries and Finding a Pleasant Surprise [Part Two]!

When I turned away from the garden, my mother was standing behind me admiring my work. We chatted for a moment before she casually mentioned a new discovery.

Do you see this tree here? It grows not five feet away from the edge of the garden yet I had never paid attention to it. Do you see what’s special about it?

That’s right! It’s a pear tree! One lonely brown pear hung from its’ top branches but I squealed with excitement nonetheless. How fortunate we are to have found this surprise addition to the homestead! I would like to take cuttings and multiply them - do you have any advice for doing so with a fruit tree?

After appreciating the progress in the garden, I made my way back to the cabin where my final two mulberry trees sat waiting to be planted. With two in the garden and one at my parent’s house, I wanted to find a new place to plant them.

Well, I found the perfect spot(s) right in the yard! A long time ago I posted “Disaster Strikes at Wild Rose Acres Homestead - When it Rains, it Pours…” where I was able to show you the devastation the storm had on the trees in the yard.

This line of pine trees fell, breaking our fence bordering the driveway and uprooting our little garden surrounding it. I figured the yard could use the addition of a few trees after losing so many!

My parents had spent a full weekend trying to repair the gardens and I have to say, they did a great job! The trees you see in the photos below are actually just the stumps left from the fallen pines - we simply tipped them back up straight to keep a temporary “fence” along the driveway.

I decided to plant one mulberry right in an open spot of the newly fixed gardens.

The other is right around the corner behind the back of the cabin (surrounded by broken bricks and leftover fencing to prevent anyone from mowing it)!

With the addition of FOUR mulberries (and the discovery of one pear tree), I am excited at the progress we are seeing! I can’t wait until spring when I will finally be able to till the garden and propagate the pear tree from cuttings!

Photography taken by @kiaraantonoviche and may be shared / reposted with proper accreditation.

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