Disaster Strikes at Wild Rose Acres Homestead - When it Rains, it Pours...

Remember how I mentioned that the weather caused us to delay our garden project? Well, I made the trip out to Wild Rose Acres today with the intention to begin clearing and planting our perennials… only to find that the storm did much more damage than we anticipated.

At least four trees had to be cut and dragged from the driveway for us to even be able to reach the cabin. When I finally saw the yard around the bend, my jaw dropped. Over half a dozen large trees had decimated the land. A black cherry had barely missed the cabin, but its’ roots ripped a hole from under the floor and blocked the door.

The large oak that shaded our yard also fell, taking out a smaller cedar and completely crushing our water pump. The tire swing that hung from its’ branches now lays on the muddy ground.

Four tall pines lining our driveway crashed down to create an impenetrable barrier and also rip up the gardens and plants we had tended to just a few weeks ago.

It is a major setback, financially and logistically, but I am still pushing forward with all my strength. We have contacted a logging company to help clear the disaster from our land - hundreds of trees broke and fell as well as those in the yard.

Unfortunately, this meant that the day was spent cutting wood instead of clearing the garden. But on the bright side, I was able to at least plant the perennials in their new (still overgrown) home! Check back in the next post to see them bloom, as well as a few flowers that have survived through the years of neglect!

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