Progress in the Form of Perennials - More Work on the Homestead!

The hot sun beating down on my back did nothing to dissuade the swarm of mosquitos yesterday. Yet while sweating and swatting, I managed to get another 4 hours of hard work in at Wild Rose Acres!

Last weekend, I left the garden with a haphazard brick border and disgruntled plants from being relocated. Even though it doesn’t looktoo different, I still accomplished a lot yesterday!

I removed a few plants and relocated them to the back in order to push the brick border further away from the driveway. I also added a (very heavy) stone planter in front of the border. A small, paver walkway is going to jut into the garden before we continue clearing.

I found and saved FOUR wild blackberry plants that will grow beside the paved walkway.

Two extra zucchini sprouts from my father’s garden were absconded with and planted in little stone circles (so I wouldn’t step on them)!

I also hung a new hummingbird feeder on a nearby tree!

I felt that all of my hard work was well worth it when I saw our first customer hanging on the bee balm - look closely, he blends in with the dirt!

This is such a big project but I am already proud of myself for accomplishing this much. Now I just need your continued support and encouragement to keep moving forward!

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