My Homestead Happiness (challenge)


Is you guys. Our Homestead Steemit Community. Sorry if I’m being cliché but it’s true! Our homestead will never be large and we will never have a ton of projects waiting on the table. We currently only have our garden and our ducks. The garden is only producing cucumbers and the ducks, nothing yet. And while I obviously enjoy tending to our budding homestead it doesn’t quite make my day at this point in time.

(We finally have a flower on one of our tomato plants!)

I love writing for you guys. Sharing what we’re doing on our homestead, our future plans and my general thoughts. Seeing the steemit community enjoy those posts, learn something or share something new with me is exciting! I love seeing what other homesteads are up to because there is no one way to homestead. Everyone does it differently and they all have at least a little nugget of fantastic information that can be tucked away and used later.

(Cucumber showed up overnight! This is a Straight Eight, our previous was a Sumter)

Let’s be real guys, seeing your number of followers increase or you posts starting to do well does bring a sort of satisfaction to life. A validation of the hard work we are putting into writing posts for everyone to enjoy. But most of all it is interacting with all of you, people who understand the overwhelming desire to produce your own food. We’ve spent 2 years in our current location and have yet to meet anyone we can truly connect with. Turns out they were all online 😉 .

(Cat Nip and Cilantro flowering. Hoping to save some of our own seeds for the first time)

What is your Homestead Happiness?

Join the challenge: @pennsif/homestead-happiness-is-a-competition-with-up-to-15-sbd-in-prizes

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