Homestead Happiness is... A competition with up to 15 SBD in prizes

After writing my article yesterday Homestead Happiness is... eating a meal you have grown / reared yourself and reading the positive comments it gave me an idea!

I thought it would be neat to find out what Homestead Happiness means for other homesteaders and preppers.

As I was lucky enough to be given a Curie boost the other day with my Pennsif's Progress - The Days are Numbered // Day 972 : Time flies with a polytunnel post (thank you gah). I have a few SBD to spare so I thought it would be extra neat to make a little competition out of this idea with some SBD’s as prizes.

All you have to do to enter is make a post about what Homestead Happiness means for you.

It hasn’t got to be a thousand word essay but enough to explain what gives you Homestead Happiness and why. The more of the story behind it the better. And a few pictures will be great too if you have them.

I will be judging the winner(s) on interest, creativity, humour, originality, unusualness, good vibes and gut feeling.

The prize pool will be up to 15 SBD depending on the number of entries.

I will chose the winner after the competition closes at midnight UK time on Tuesday 1 August.

How to enter

  1. Create your post on steemit describing what Homestead Happiness means for you.
  2. Include homesteadhappiness as one of the tags on the post.
  3. Post a link to your article in a comment below this post.
  4. Resteem this post.
  5. Upvote this post (with a minimum of 50% voting power if you have the slider).
  6. Make sure you follow me (@pennsif) for any updates to the competition.


  1. If there are 10 or less eligible entries there will be one prize of 5 SBD.
  2. If there are between 11 and 20 eligible entries there will be one prize of 10 SBD.
  3. If there are 21 or more eligible entries there will be a first prize of 10 SBD, a second prize of 4 SBD and third prize of 1 SBD.
  4. The winner(s) will be chosen by me (@pennsif) on the basis of interest, content and presentation.
  5. The winner will be announced by Friday 4 August in a winning announcement post.


  1. All posts must be original material, not posted anywhere else. All images must be appropriately sourced and credited.
  2. Entries must be at least 100 words in length.
  3. Entries must be submitted by the closing date.
  4. You must have resteemed and upvoted this post, and followed @pennsif to be eligible to enter.

Closing date

  • Midnight UK time on Tuesday 1 August 2017

Good luck, enjoy and I look forward to reading the entries

If you found this post useful or interesting please do upvote, resteem and follow. Thank you.

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