This Week on the Homestead 8.7.17

It's been a while since my last week on the homestead post. I intended it to be a weekly update but we simply do not do enough on our mini homestead to warrant a weekly update. As things pick up and we get more animals I may be able to post more often. We shall see! Without further adieu our week:


We are working on training our dogs! If you've been following a while you know that our dogs were crazy obsessed with the ducks when we brought them home. As soon as we realized it was going to be a problem the ducks went into a semi roofed aviary where the dogs can't see them. Eventually we would like the ducks (and future chickens) to free range so hopefully this works! It's a 100% positive reinforcement training program using the clicker to immediately tell the dog they did something right.


I made my first bread item over the fire! Okay let's be honest here I didn't actually 'make' these. I got them out of a tube. Normally I do make my baked goods from scratch but I didn't want to go through all of that work just to mess them up on the grill. If it makes you feel better they are annie's organic!

I used a 12in lodge pan and the lid for my dutch oven on the grill. For my first time it could have been terrible. As it was they did take a loooooong time. This is because I forgot that putting coals on top of the pan helps simulate a baking environment so I didn't do it until the end. The second time (yes I made them twice this week. What can I say we like bread!) It went much more quickly because I put coals on the lid from the beginning.


This cutie went up for adoption this week! My husband found him in may (on our anniversary) when he was driving to take care of a friend's dogs. He was driving down the highway (it's a country, one lane highway) when he drove over what he thought was an orange leaf. He realized that didn't make sense, turned around and found this little guy! He was in rough shape so it has taken a while to get him all healthy and now he's ready for his forever home!

I know this picture is terrible but it's the best one we have from the day we found him. Chris dubbed him road rash before he even got him home and I shortened it to R2 because that was just a little too morbid for me! He had so much spunk despite his injuries and has turned into a very sweet if crazy kitten. Really what kittens aren't crazy? When I pick him up he puts his little paws on either side of my neck like he's giving me a little hug! If you live in the south georgia area and are interested in adopting this little guy please contact Kitty Love Rescue.

Last but not least these little worms keep showing up on my tomato and cucumber plants! If anyone knows what they are please comment below! Thank you

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