Mr. Greens' Homestead Garden
Over the past few days, my son and I have been pruning the flowers and hedges around our home and taking them to our garden. You can check our pruning stories Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
Today, I just wanted to take you around our homestead garden. Our garden is where we compost all our organic waste from our home and where we grow our organic crops. It has not yet been farmed but by the end of the Month, my mum and elder sister are going to join us to grow some organic vegetables in this garden. For now, we are only composting in the garden though we have some awesome stuff growing in the garden.
My family enjoys Lemon grass tea and every Tuesday, we take Lemon grass Tea at breakfast. Other Teas we enjoy are ginger tea, mint tea and herbal teas as a whole
Abundant right now in our garden is sugar cane. During the dry season we always enjoy eating sugar cane to rehydrate and fill up the energy bars after work
There is also Corn, Cocoyams, Cassava and other tubers that we grow in our garden. Pears, a few herbs and a grape fruit grow in our garden.
By the end of this month, we shall engage in a lot of vegetable farming and I hope to keep you all updated about what we will grow this farming season.