Homesteaders & Preppers on steemit list - new version imminent - help wanted

It's time for the next edition of the list of Homesteaders and Preppers on steemit.

The last list smashed through the 300 target to reach 308.

I've been collecting a few more new people since then, but I am sure there are many I have missed.

I wonder if we can reach 350?

So please do let me know, via comment or Discord (@Pennsif#9921) if...

  • You are a homesteader or prepper that has joined steemit in the last month and I haven't already made contact with you

  • You know of any homesteaders or preppers that have joined in the past month

  • You are a homesteader or prepper that joined before last month but are not on the list below

  • You know of any older homesteaders or preppers that are not on the list.

This is the previous edition (v12) of the list :

You will see that the list is now rather long and unwieldy. So I am going to split it into two lists.

I had contemplated splitting it into active and inactive members. But that is too fluid. People come and go.

Particularly in the last couple of months quite a number on the list who had 'gone dark' have reappeared and started actively engaging on the platform again. Excellent news!

So instead I am going to split the list geographically - USA v Rest of the World.

One small question on that split - would it be better to be North America (ie USA and Canada) rather than just USA?

I will be compiling version 13 of the list during this week so please do get any responses in as soon as possible.

Thank you.

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[ graphic by @pennsif ]

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