A walk around Llandovery in mid Wales (part 2) - Llandovery Local History Museum

As mentioned in my first A Walk Around Llandovery post the town has a little local history museum housed in a couple of rooms upstairs at the Castle Hotel.

The museum is run by Llandovery History Society. It is open daily from 2pm - 4pm, and from 10.30am - 12.30pm on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Entry is free.

The Llandovery History Society has a very informative website at www.llandoveryhistorysociety.wales for more information about the history of the town.

I actually arrived a little after 4pm but a very kindly receptionist at the hotel unlocked the museum rooms for me to have a look round anyway.

The museum consists of two rooms with a few exhibits and photographs in the passageway leading to the rooms.

There are a number of old school photographs. The top picture in the photo below is of girls at Llandovery National School in 1891. The lower photograph is of Llandovery Grammar School.

I am in fact a keen collector of old school photographs - I am wondering if I should put my collection on the blockchain...

The first room had most of the exhibits.

Including some archaeological finds from the Roman settlement of the area.

There are also medals won by local soldiers Pte H Davenport and William Getty in the Great War (1914-18). These three medals were nicknamed 'Pip, Squeak and Wilfred' by the British soldiers.

The museum also has some commemorative plates from the local hospital and schools. There is also a Ceremonial Trowel presented to Lt Col W N Jones DL JP on the occasion of the laying the foundation stone of Llandovery Cottage Hospital on 5 June 1925.

There are also some eye-catching bottles from an old pharmacy.

No self-respecting local museum would be complete without at least one Eisteddfod chair. This one is from Eisteddfod Cilffriw 1918. This chair was made with wood salvaged from the rafters of Vicar Prichard's house, Y Neuadd Newydd.

On the subject of historical chairs Llandovery Museum also has a seat used at the Investiture of Prince Charles as Prince of Wales in 1969.

The chair was presented to the museum by Mrs Jennifer Evans who sang at the Investiture ceremony as a member of the Welsh National Opera Chorus.

My next walk around Llandovery will be to the Tourist Office and then on to the remains of the Castle.

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[ all photographs by pennsif ]

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