Steem can wait, I need to grow

I came to steemit originally as a homesteader and prepper.

In the beginning I mainly posted about homesteading and growing.

I love growing and producing food. It gives me great joy and satisfaction.

But over the last few months steem has absorbed more and more of my time. Particularly with the advent of the two radio shows.

I have therefore been neglecting my garden. Fortunately over the winter there has not been so much to do.

But now spring is coming, the days are getting longer, the weeds are growing and my little peach tree is in full blossom.

It is time to get out there digging, weeding, sowing, planting...

I made a start this evening cleaning up and tidying the 'potting room' in the barn.

And I potted the avocado that @cryptocariad has grown from the stone over the winter.

It had developed a single very long root but none of the little side roots but hopefully it will take.

I put it in some standard potting compost. I have never grown an avocado like that so I don't know if it needs any special treatment?

Tomorrow I am going to sort out my seed box and get sowing.

I also have some potatoes to plant.

They could have gone in earlier. Last year I planted them in early March, and they were coming up well but then a really hard frost came in mid April and wiped them out, so I have held back this year.

The other big difference this year is that I already have all the 'infrastructure' in place.

The polytunnel and greenhouses didn't arrive until mid/late summer last year.

This year they are ready and waiting.

In fact the polytunnel is already growing well. Lots of brassicas and leeks, and even some spinach that will be ready for first harvest this week.

I also have the barn sorted already, and a good stock of pots, composts, tools and all the other bits I was still accumulating last year.

If I turn the steem down a bit, and turn the growing up, I should be well set for a good harvest this year.

Last year I managed to double my production on the previous year. I wonder if I can double up again...

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[ blossom photo by @cryptocariad // other photos by @pennsif ]

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