SteemCampUK - Saturday 7 April 2018 - Birmingham - looking forward to meeting more UK steemians

I am totally looking forward to SteemCampUK in Birmingham on Saturday 7 April.

Meeting real steemians in real life is quite special.

We are still a rare species so spotting a steemian in the wild is really quite difficult.

It was great to meet my first fellow steemians at the SteemWales meetup in February. Now I have a second chance with the SteemCampUK happening in 10 days time in Birmingham.

Organised by Lloyd Davis @lloyddavis, an experienced event organiser and facilitator, SteemCampUK will be a first for steemians in the UK as far as I know.

The event is billed as an 'unconference' and participants will be determining what is to be discussed at the start of the day. Lloyd Davis explained how the day will go in this post :

So far these are the people I know that are coming along to the event. I am really looking forward to meeting everyone. I think @rimicane is the only person I haven't encountered on steemit so far.

I am hoping also that @anarcotech and @starkerz from #Promo-Steem might be able to make it along to the event. It would be great to chat with them in person.

The suggested cost for the day is around 8 steem / SBD or £10. Full details are in this post :

There is still spaces available for the day. If you are in the UK you really should come along.

This is an opportunity not to be missed to meet other steemians in Britain.

I hope you can make it to the event - free upvotes for everyone I meet on the day 😊

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[ header graphic by @pennsif ]

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