Bounties Of The Land Episode 4: WildCrafted Chocolate Mint! My Favorite Herbal Smoking Blend! Video, Statistics, Uses, and More!


Today I go out onto the land to do some super food harvesting for a new episode of Bounties of The Land!

We cultivate a LOT of super foods here in The Garden of Eden.

Most of them are wildcrafted, meaning we establish a permaculture-style environment where they can naturally grow & reproduce with little to no effort. We do this because it is the most efficient and sustainable way. 

I won't go into too much more detail as I have a whole video on it for you!

After the video I will list some of the nutrition, contents, uses, etc. 

I hope you watch this video and get inspired by how amazing chocolate mint is and how easy it is to grow and use!

Ok so here are some educational information facts about mint to impress you!

Peppermint has been one of the most well known and used herbs known since ancient times for its taste, aroma and medicinal value. Mint has a special taste and smell, almost like a cool breeze.  This unique quality of mint herb is because of the presence of menthol, an essential oil in its fresh leaves, and stem.

Botanically, the herb belongs to the Lamiaceae family, in the genus; Mentha, and botanically named as Mentha piperita. It is actually a natural cross hybrid between the water mint (Mentha aquatica) and spearmint (Mentha spicata).

In general, the mint plant is sterile; producing no seeds. However, its growth happens through the spreading through its underground rhizomes. There exist more than 20 varieties of mint herbs with a wide range of color, fragrance, and flavor.

Mint contains many chemical compounds that are known to be antioxidant, disease preventing and health promoting properties. Total antioxidant strength (ORAC) of fresh peppermint herb is 13,978 µmol TE/100 g.

  • Mint is rich in essential oils, vitamins and dietary fiber, which helps to control blood cholesterol and blood pressure inside the human body.

  • The essential oil, menthol also has been analgesic (painkiller), local anesthetic and counter-irritant properties. 

  • Peppermint is a great source of minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, manganese and magnesium. 100 g fresh herb provides 569 mg of potassium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese and copper work as cofactors for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.

  • Mint is rich in many antioxidant vitamins, including vitamin-A, β- carotene, vitamin-C, and vitamin-E. The leaves of mint also contain many essential B-complex vitamins like folates, riboflavin and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6); and the herb is an excellent source of vitamin-K.

  • The herb parts contain many essential volatile oils like menthol, menthone, menthol acetate. These compounds effect on cold-sensitive receptors in the skin, mouth, and throat, the property which is responsible for the natural refreshing, cooling sensation that it initiates when inhaled, eaten, or applied to the skin. 

I particularly love chocolate mint in desert foods and it is one of my favorite teas of all time! 

As I said it is also my favorite smoking blend of which I mix with home grown tobacco or ganj! Truly delicious!

You can find a link to that here! 


I hope this information was valuable to you and you are inspired not only by the truly miraculous qualities of this SUPER FOOD but by NATURE itself. 

I have found that health is natural and nature has provided abundant and sustainable remedies for all problems. I pray that people reconnect with natural living and reap the rewards as I have. 

Because of this not only do I cultivate it for my self, family and community but also make sure to make it available to you!

If you wold like to check out my other 3 "Bounties of The Land" episodes you can do so here: 

Bounties Of The Land Episode 3: Harvesting World Renowned Aloe Vera To The Power of Eden! Video, Statistics, Uses, and More!

"Bounties Of The Land Episode 2: WildCrafted Oxalis Harvest & Taste Test Video!"

"Bounties Of The Land Episode 1: WildCrafted Superfood Japanese Shiso. Article, Pictures Video, Recipe, Smoke Blend!"

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I also make them available for fiat on The Garden of Eden web site of which I donate to, to feed, clothe, educate and heal tens of thousands of people a year!

As always, I appreciate your support and welcome your feedback!


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