The Walkerland Homestead - Seedling, Microgreens, Eggs, Springish, Kitchen ...

I love reflecting on the week and documenting what's going on around the homestead. Things are staring to liven up again around here and there is a feeling of spring in the air. Here's a little glimpse into a week in my life :)

The dogs

I'm going to start with the dogs because lately that's how my day has been starting. We used to open our eyes to these two smiling goof balls breathing in our faces. Lately they've decided that leaping on the bed and bouncing on us is a better choice. Its not a fun way to wake up, Molly is a heavy girl! Look at that face! No shame at all.



The hens are laying eggs again. We haven't had any fresh eggs from these girls since October! I had plenty of eggs stored away but it's just not the same. They started moulting and then we entered into the worst winter ever so we are so relieved to have found eggs this week! The hens are full of sass and attitude wanting to go outside but unfortunately there is no "outside" for them yet and I don't want them making a mess of the greenhouse. The last time I let them in there the punks did more harm that good.



So far all of the seedlings are doing well. I've re-potted tomatoes and some peppers but most things are still itty bitty. We have a while to go yet before we can do any planting outside. I'll start some melons, squash and cucumbers indoors as well. I tend to start a few inside and the rest I sow directly once chances of frost are over.

This year I've grown 17 types of tomatoes, Of these only one variety "silver fir tree" did not sprout. I have more seeds so I'll try it again .. although I have over 100 tomato plants growing already. I think I might be needing an intervention. I wish some of you were my neighbours because ...50 would be too many for me. Our neighbour will take about 6 maybe 10 if I am bossy. Maybe I can sell some?

The peppers are doing great and that's a nice treat. I often struggle with peppers because our house is a little on the cool side for them. Herbs are taking a long time to come up. So far the basil and some chamomile are the only herb seedlings to say hello. This rack fits 5 flats per shelf and it will be jam packed by mid next week.


Sprouting Microgreens

I was inspired by @mountainjewel recent post about microgreens. I've never tried to do this in flats with a growing medium. Instead I've been messing around with teeny little sprouting trays. It was really easy to do and after just a few days I'm starting to see some sproutlings pop up! I can't wait to make a delicious meal out of these fresh sprouted greens. In the front I have a pea mixture and in the back I've got broccoli. You can learn more about it here


The Kitchen Cabinets

Progress is being made on the kitchen cabinets. I am getting excited! He's done the carving on the doors but has not revealed it to me yet. He's only assured me that it's folk art style and incorporates my raven.




There is a small area of flooring that needs to be tiled and the tiles that I got last week were all broken. They've shipped replacements so I'll be venturing to the states again tomorrow to pick that shipment up. I am nervous about cutting thick slate - it's not something I've done before but I have plenty of broken practice tiles to work with. This is a really annoying project but ... it's got to be done.


Snow is Melting

I am excited to report that the sun is warming and the snow is starting to melt. We had a 24 hour downpour that really helped melt that snow. There's still plenty of it and I am still using snowshoes to get around but thing's are looking up!


Birch Sap

The sap is still not flowing. We had a cold snap and temps are just not quite warm enough during the day. I expected to have a few buckets by now but ... it's just not flowing yet.



I am heading out to the greenhouse for some sun therapy. It's been a beast of a week emotionally so I'm doing all I can to rejuvenate and feel light inside. The 'simple life" is never really simple is it?

Be well,


[@walkerland ]
Building a greener, more beautiful world one seed at a time.
Homesteading | Gardening | Frugal Living | Preserving Food| From Scratch Cooking|

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Photo copyright: @walkerland


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