Homestead Photography Contest Week #6 Winners and New Theme

Another week in the Homestead Photography Contest has come to an end. I would like to thank all those who participated and I also wanted to apologize that I have not been able to engage with more of you this week through your entries. The internet can be a great tool when it’s working, but a lot of times it doesn’t. I am hoping that some of these issues are now resolved and I can start getting more done.

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Now let’s get to those great photos this week and please stay tuned the new theme will be at the end of the post. This week’s theme was Wildlife/Nature on the Homestead and there were some interesting entries. In total there were about 13 and they were all very different from each other which makes things difficult.

First place this week goes to @twinislandflames. They will receive .75 sbd and you can view the post here.

Second place goes to @thefarmerswife. They will receive .35 sbd. If you want to read more, their original post is here.

Then finally, this week’s honorable mention is @goldendawne. She will receive .25 sbd and the original post is located here.

Thank you all again for entering this week. So now, let’s get to the theme for next week. The theme for Week #7 will be Homestead Pastimes. So, show us what your favorite thing to do on the homestead. This can be games you play, a certain type of work you do, or any task you enjoy doing while on the homestead. I cannot wait to see your submissions! As usual, 50% of the liquid sbd generated from this post will be given to the winner and 25% will go to the person who places second.

The rules are:

  1. One entry per person
  2. Upvote this post to increase the rewards for the winners (not required, but a resteem would be appreciated)
  3. Please use #homesteadphotography as one of your tags and leave a link in the comments below
  4. You will have until this post pays out to get in your entries
  5. Your entry can either be made into a post or your photo can be left in the comments below

Thanks for looking!

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