How To Get Your Photography Post Noticed

Love what the your camera can do and the beauty it could convey? Have you made such a pretty pic and you just can't help but share it in Steemit? Ya' did? @screenname showing up your comment thread saying your post has been undervalued? Turn it around!

Have you ever wondered how come other people's photo post are doing so great and yours seem to be undervalued? I used "SEEM" because the truth is - unless only you are upvoting it - or it has no upvotes nor views at all - then you can really say it's been undervalued. However, if there are so many upvotes on it and there are at least cents at the bottom page - then it's been valued - it's just not the value you wish it has. Isn't it? Maybe ...

If you have read @tuck-fheman's latest post, then you already know that there was a time when photography posts ruled in Steemit. If you get back to those, which are probably all but buried since everyone seems to be enthusiastically posting about pictures and photography .. but if you could and would then you'd know those pictures are one of "this" kind of pictures.

How does it make you feel looking at that pic above?

In my case, had I not been there, it would make me want to go there so had you posted it I'd probably ask you where it is. However, had I posted it this way.

This is the view above Calpe's Peñón de Ifach. Spain in January on a sunny day around 5 pm. Taken with a Samsung Galaxy Note 1.

Does the extra information I added make the picture extra interesting? Admit it, it does right? Not only because it really is breath taking but you now know where the place is and that it has just been taken with a smartphone - makes you want to go there the more. It probably makes you curious about the place and you probably are asking what can you do there if you go right? Would you upvote this picture already? Maybe..

What if I added all of these pictures below with all those captions?

This was what the road looked like on the way up. This part is still wheelchair, stroller and walker friendly. Sands and a bit of a teeny tiny pebble would give you a bumpy ride but the view below won't make you notice all that anymore. There is no entrance fee but there are DOs and DON'Ts.

These are a few of the flowers you could find on top of Calpe's Peñón de Ifach. (from top to bottom [Spanish Broom, Yellow Wood Sorrel and the wild onion - Asphodelus tenuifolius )

There were a lot of sea gulls on the rocks. They just stared at us and made some weird noises. A redbreast European Robin has been following me while we. It wasn't aloof at all I wished I had biscuits in my pocket that day or a bread I could feed him. He looks pretty stuffed though.

Beyond this point, the wheelchairs, strollers and walker aren't allowed anymore. If your family are friends decide to go up, you could still enjoy the sun, read a book, enjoy the view below while waiting for them to come back from the other half of the climb. If you need to take a leak, that roof on the first pic is actually a tourist information service center. They have free separate toilets for men and women and are wheelchair friendly.

This is the part of the mountain that leads to the other side. You'll be passing by a dark, narrow, slippery marble road. It would be advisable to stop and get back if you're not wearing proper shoes.

Do all these pictures make it more interesting now? Why?

All of those information add value, don't they?

In the months that I've been here, I watch photography posts really get noticed when there's additional information added on the pictures. Ned kept saying that in all his talkathon when he was in Norway - if I got the place right. After doing all that - you may then tag your photography pics with photography and use the photography-trail tag please. Yes, there is such a thing. I could also use the travel and travel-trail tag with those pics above.

What kind of photography posts are often being noticed?
  • Super vivid shots.

    Check out @thecryptofiend's, @condra and @sharker's posts for example - there are many more I just can't remember the most of them. When we were just starting, macro shots were taking the rewards. I remember @simba's first macro shots really doing well and it wasn't just because it was so vivid - he made it so much fun making us guess. The comment thread on his posts flooded those days. I wonder how he is doing now.
  • Shots with tutorial on how they were taken.
    @runrudy has made his break through doing this. Check out @ianboil and learn more from him. @ mweich also made works as such and there are many others.
  • Macro photography of plants, animals specially insect that gives extra information about what they are called, what they are like or how to take care of them.
    If you were listening to @anyx during the Steemfest he mentioned about "his hope of bumping across posts that looks like that of "wikipedia" - (not his original words). You could post many flowers and not tell their names or medicinal or culinary uses - is not really adding much value isn't it? You could post really cute looking insect without identifying them and can't really say - it's adding value isn't it? You could post a plant or vegetable you are growing with really nice pictures and gave it a wrong name - it's not really adding value isn't it. Check out @ocrdu and @mweich, they and you all know @jamtaylor do their homeworks of posting additional information about the shots they make - or at least try.
  • A group, series or progression of not only vivid but great shots.

    Even in the real market, a product sold with an extra freebies gets more sales than just one product sold as one piece. If one two stalls in the market are both selling cups, would you buy on the stall that sells just a cup or would you buy from the stall that sells a cup with a teddy bear on it - for the same price? The photography post "market" is pretty vast these days. A lot of photography post authors are here now. Discourage yourself not but try to walk those extra miles and be generous sharing wonderfully taken pictures on your photography posts. I've seen @shaka do this - he even shows the coordinates of where his pics were taken so does @shieha.
  • Yes, you could always crop craps to make your photography posts more professional so I learned from all those photography authors I follow.

    These are just a few tips on how your photography post could kick ass and finally get noticed. If you are a photography post author, please do add some tips and comment below. Let's help people give value in their photography posts.

    Photos may provide visual messages but when added with words, they could tell stories.

    Lastly, whatever post you decide to author - remember and maybe better make it our Steemit mindset ...

    Except for the pics I sourced using blued words in sentences before them. I took all of those pics above with my Samsung Galaxy Note 1 during our trip to Spain last year . I've decided to use them instead of my new pics because they fit this post. This was not supposed to be the post I wanted to share today, however, I had the urge to write it to help some of those who are getting frustrated about their photography posts. You may bump into these pics in my tripadvisor profile.

    I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


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