Princess Bola Adelani: Are your wasting your pain? How to give your pain purpose

A wise mentee: Ruth appropriated the wisdom from Naomi's pain.

            Christians have been taught, 
          "Give your life to Jesus & everything will be all right."
Princess Bola Adelani shares her personal journey through truth & pain. She shares about how Ruth saw pain as building character in Naomi & how Ruth chose to stick with Naomi.
           We got married & all hell literally broke loose.

  • Pain has purpose
             Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, 
             that we may be able to comfort them which are 
             in any trouble,  by the comfort wherewith we 
             ourselves are comforted of God.
             2 Cor 1:4, KJV
  • Jesus learned obedience through the pain He suffered.
             Although He was a Son [who had never been 
             disobedient to the Father], 
             He learned [active, special] obedience through 
             what He suffered.
             Heb 5:8, KJV
  • The testing becomes a testimonial

Pay Attention Inwards Now

          Naomi on Mother's Day would have been very sad. 
          She even called herself Mara or a bitter one.
          Ruth saw how Naomi saw purpose in her pain.
          Naomi imparted all her wisdom into Ruth

           It is good for me that I have been afflicted; 
           that I might learn thy statutes.
           Ps 119:71 KJV
  • Pain makes us reliant on God
             With each trial my ministry takes a different turn.
             Princess Bola Adelani

           Beloved, I wish above all things that 
           thou mayest prosper & be in health, 
           even as thy soul prospereth. 
           3 Jn 2:2 KJV

How do we get from trial to transition

     Because He Himself [in His humanity] has suffered 
     in being tempted, 
     He is able to help and provide immediate assistance 
     to those who are being tempted and exposed to 
     Heb 2:18, AMP

1. Review

           How did I get here?

2. Repent

          Take responsibility. 
          Acknowledge your own role. 
          Ask God for forgiveness.

3. Get the help that you need

         Get professional help
         When your heart is wounded who said that
         you don't need professional help.

4. Get a mentor

          Naomi mentored Ruth. 
          Elizabeth mentored Mary.
          Find someone who has wisdom to whom you 
          can be accountable.

5. Don't stop living

        Keep on living. 
        Keep moving on. 
        This too will pass.
        No matter how dark the night: morning is coming.

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