Dear all, I am sharing the article about one of my uncle's house who lives in another village. I have another cause to help but it looks so costly and I am still thinking how I can help one of my friends who is paralyze and was only earner of the family. Well, let me share about the house cause.
One of my blood relative who has 5 children lives is a small hut. The house is only property for him and have no saving and job. I remember few years ago, my dad managed a night guard job for him. But the job finished and he now work if someone ask him to make cane. He rarely earn $2 in a day now when his elder daughter is adult and also he thinks to give her marriage as he don't know how long he will stay in the earth.
Recently we observed that his house is so poor condition and he can't repair it. Sometimes dogs enter in the sleeping room at night and children also feel scare to sleep. In rainy season, water come through the tin shade. Few days ago, his wife came to my mother for help. We feel it is our duty to support relatives if we have something to offer.
I collected the image from google which looks similar to his house. The house remind me our house during our childhood. Our house looked same and we also felt scare to sleep as cat, dogs and sometimes fox could enter room which was covered with jute bags only.
The house is important for him as their daughter is now adult and they are thinking to give her marriage. She was also my student. I am not mentioning their name. And also I don't want to share their picture here without permission. I also feel this will not be okay to share real identity but to do something from my personal earning. I donated 43.75 US dollar yesterday and my brother also added some money from himself to add and donate him so he can repair the house .
In Bangladesh, Bridegroom visit bride's house to see how they are, how the bride looks and what their family position in society. It makes a father feel guilty when he can't afford to repair house before marriage. So, Some other relatives also came forward too. Some contributing with provide tin, workers wages, and our family is giving cash 62.5 USD. I am happy that I could help with my steemit earning. As it makes a big responsibility for myself to separate my causes and also my personal earning. So, I wish to donate personally and also keep sharing my wealth.
I discourage not to donate directly for the cause and do not upvote with intention as donation to the cause. I will donate advance $12.5 more to him from this post earning. Also I am planning to fund raise for Mahbub who need therapy each week and I will try to share all necessary information if I feel good to share only and they allow me to help this way. I also feel how people and my followers accepting the cause positively. Of course here is lots of endless need but I try to help where it is much important to me. If I donate alone, it will be financial burden for me, but if all come to help it will not be burden for all. It also beautiful.
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