I think to most of us are entering the Winter (or already Winter?), except the Southern Hemisphere Steemians :P As a resident of the Northern with Sub Tropical weather, Winter in Hong Kong is comparatively mild. However, sometimes it is still difficult to love the cold days.
Quite a while ago, a little bit shocked when I heard that air conditioner means providing cold and warm air. To me, air conditioner only being used in Summer for cooling. Winter is cold, but usually just put one more cloth. Heaters is not that common or only a standby.
On the other side, my Japanese teacher was shocked that we don't have the heat function. When I was in Japan, I realized that it was not the case with my hometown. As a result, I stuck with the heat function and the heater for a whole Winter. There were also some "interesting" stories about using heater. May be share more in the future.
相信大部份的STEEMIAN都在迎接冬天了吧?(南半球的朋友怎樣?準備夏天活動了沒?)作為亞熱帶氣候的住民,其實比起很多更北方地區,已經算是暖冬了。不過我就是不耐寒... 看月曆就感受到寒意。
很久之前,才驚覺原來「空調」是「空氣調節」,就是不只製冷,還有供暖功能。我一直無視了暖氣,就因為在香港大多的時間都是需要涼快,空氣到夏天才要調節... 冬天,多穿兩件衣服就OK了,一個字「忍」。近年流行暖風機,雖然真的沒幾天派上用場,只是人們好像開始覺得沒有苦忍的必要,為何在家也得穿一身臃腫哆嗦的想法。
Tool: Pencil (draft) / Color pencil
In Cantonese, one of the vocabularies of "go to bath/take shower" is "沖涼", means "wash to be cool", even in the Winter, with warm water. (...I use warm water even in Summer...)