Draw on Blockchain : Challenge of writing post in Japanese again 再挑戰用日語寫文章

Few years ago I had a habit of writing drawing diary. Usually only some daily inspiration like what I am doing here on Steemit. And on Saturday, after Japanese class, I would write somethings about the topic discussed. When I came here (almost one year! time flies!) I wrote post with English, Chinese and Japanese. Well.. even Chinese, my writing is boring and I knew it since high school. Later, I thought I can't afford the time of writing in three languages for one post, I gave up the one which is the most time consuming. Oh, I have this idea because I read Orientalhub's post about collaboration with Japan and Singapore users. In short, I want to pick up Japanese writing again and try to write at least one post a week with Japanese.


数年前、日記を書く習慣があったですね。日記と言っても、いまやってるSTEEMITのアイデア下書きのほうにってますけど。でも、土曜日だけイラスト付き短文を書きます。内容はほとんど当日会話クラスのテイマーについての感想や記録でした。ここに来たから、ちょっとだけ日本語の記事を書いたんですが、時間かかり過ぎで、残忍ながら諦めました… きょう、ORIENTALHUBさんのブログを見たら、また書こうと思いました。週一回と思います、またよろしくお願いします-u-

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