Draw on Blockchain : Chinese Culture Project EP2 Illustration (prelude) 樂筆詩塾第二期插圖(先行預覧)

This is a part of the illustration of the coming post of CCP. (Last week's post)This week's topic is related to Spring :) Please come and see on Thursday, it has music video and English version of appreciation too!

Here I would like to share the idea of drawing. The poem have two main part, day and night. And the main element is "rain". So I put in as the main element in the drawing. I used Chinese drawing color as the base, with high contract gradient as usual, hope you can feel both lively and calm of lovely Spring.

The poem have a symmetry structure of choosing of vocabulary. So I make a lake view with day and night in symmetry composition.

這是這星期CCP樂筆詩塾的插圖,星期四就是了,請來圍觀圍觀喔!首圖是插圖黑白了的局部,星期四來CCP的帖子看看全圖吧~ 還有MV啊!(上星期傳送門)

The main different is that I cancelled the window frame. I did a little research as the poet was living in a simple home but not a luxury house, it is not match with the frame I sketched, so I changed it from a view from indoor to a total outdoor view.


Who is the poet? And how is the illustration related to the poem? Please stick with @ccp-hk and see you on Thurday ^^

所以他是誰呢?這圖跟詩的對應最後是怎樣的呢?請星期四來看 @ccp-hk最新一期的詩篇賞析喔^^

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